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r α κ ([info]flower) wrote in [info]valesco,
A smug smile appeared on her lips, and innocently Rose pulled her hands behind her back. Who, her? Why, that had been purely accidental. She had been having a perfectly enjoyable forced-fun night out with Thomas, and, if during it she had just so happened to sensualize whatever fleeting glances she shared with Axe, then... Rose pulled her mouth back, and ran her tongue along the bottom part of her lips.

Alright, she would admit it, but only because it seemed that she was having increasing difficulty control her thoughts and actions tonight; his attention pleased her. Just like his golden nest hair, and especially when he spoke french... there were a lot of surprising things that eternally pleased her about Axe Brookstanton. Not that she could tell him. He knew, already, she was sure, and there was no need to bolster his already plumbed feathers.

Rose's carefully crafted face and posture broke at this amusing thought, and all of the sudden she emitted the most amused of snorts at the mental image of Axe Brookstanton dressed-up like a plumb feathery bird. That was funny, she wished she could share that image with him---

It was fortunate that he had already pressed close to her, for Rose was unsure how trustworthy her legs had become. They felt a bit wobbly, at random times, so just to be safe (safety first!), she unceremoniously dropped her arms atop his shoulders and bumped her knees into each other for support. Her head docked back to look up at him (where was his mask?), and sucking in a deep breath of air, it was like she was preparing for the most momentous of responses.

It was, really.

"You have the most best-looking genes," Rose declared, head bobbling as she spoke. Rose watched Axe with heavy-lidded eyes through her mask, having, over time, completely forgotten it was even there. It wasn't as if she was exactly aware of her surroundings either, so being expected to remember something she couldn't see was ridiculous.

"Did you know that? You're distracting." She poked his chest pointedly.

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