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bianca p. aubrey ([info]persephones) wrote in [info]valesco,
She didn't get a chance to answer.

Bianca had lost Mira in the madness that was midnight, babies, and Miles Lufkin. Her eyes had set on the clock, feeling terrible that she wasn't with Bertram so close to midnight. They'd had a good year, with the house, with their jobs. Aaron was perfect, and even with the hiccup of Bertram's dad coming back into the picture...things had been good.

So imagine her surprise when she spotted her husband in his very recognizable, shiny suit, snogging a woman that was not her up against a wall. Bianca froze, trying to wrap her mind around the scene. Bertram had not given her any reason to distrust him during their few years together, but his past had not gone unforgotten. She was normally quite good at keeping her cool under pressure, her job required it, but the sight of her husband kissing another woman? Bianca unfroze and whipped out her wand.


Bertram was pulled by his ankles and hung up in the air (a nifty spell she had picked up from Severus back in school), the woman he was snogging dropping to the floor. Bianca stalked toward them, keeping her eyes plastered on her dangling husband's form. The other woman let out a shriek, tossing her mask away.

"What the hell is going on?!" she screamed, and Bianca recognized her from Hogwarts, a Gryffindor in Bertram's year. That made her fume even more, and the glare she sent Miranda caused the other woman to scurry away. Bianca turned back to Bertram, feeling as if she was ready to fling him across the room.

"Happy New Year, Bertram," she said, heart ready to burst out of her chest.

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