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jeremiah was a bullfrog ([info]jeremiahs) wrote in [info]valesco,
Jeremiah stared back at Miles, his hand frozen with his beer halfway to his lips. He had never seen Miles even taste a beer let alone chug an entire can in one go. He opened his mouth and then snapped it shut again. Miles was in such a state, Jeremiah couldn't even mock him for it, which really wasn't fair because Miles mocked him for everything.

"Well," he started giving up on his own beer and placing it down on the counter. "Maybe its not yours?" It came out before he could even think better of it, but it made sense. Miles had never given any indication that thing with Mira was anything more than casual, meeting up when the both happened to be in town.

Shrugging his shoulder, Jeremiah had no idea what else to say. He couldn't even imagine the thought of being a father, and well the the thought of Miles being a dad. That honestly worried him a little more than just a bit. "Either way, I think you need to figure out what you want to do, before you worry about what she wants you to do."

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