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Delilah Jane Spinnet ([info]takeyoudown) wrote in [info]valesco,
There were too many questions all at once, and Delilah wasn't sure which one she should answer first. She blinked rapidly as Nora mentioned unicorn babies and protection and merlin everything happened so fast she had to actually stop and think to remember that yes she had in fact been on top of that important detail.

"Yes, we did. It was--" Delilah didn't know what to say. There was a moment, where she was certain that she had freaked Matt out. That she had said the completely wrong thing at the wrong time but then he was kissing her and she almost forgot her own name. So maybe it hadn't been the wrong thing to say? "Great. I mean it was sex with Matt, and he's not just a pretty face."

It was Nora's last question that Delilah was most hesitant to answer. Matt hadn't said it back. It didn't bother her then, and it still didn't bother her. But there was something telling Nora that left an uncomfortable feeling settling in her stomach. "No. He didn't." She finally admitted, quickly continuing before Nora could say anything. "It's okay though. I don't want him to say it if he doesn't mean it. It's not a bit deal. It wasn't like I was saying it to make him say it just so we could have sex. I said it because I meant it."

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