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noah n. boot ([info]supernoah) wrote in [info]valesco,
Noah hadn't been expecting to be accosted by a famous quidditch star, let alone one that played on his brother's team. He had become used to the idea of a 'celebrity' a long time ago, so he didn't jump to his feet or start babbling madly at the sight of Caden Flint. Noah smirked and flicked some ash off the end of his cigarette and sat back.

"That's why I denied the contract with the Falcons," he muttered sarcastically, "wanted to revel in being an anonymous asshole."

Though, he wasn't sure how Caden didn't have a flock of fans surrounding him. Noah mentally frowned at the thought; if the fans weren't here now, they'd be there soon, and then there'd be photographers and Noah's lunch break would have to be cut short.

Quidditch players were good for absolutely nothing.

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