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noah n. boot ([info]supernoah) wrote in [info]valesco,
Noah wondered for a moment how much Martin actually talked about his family, before and after their parents' deaths. Because the younger brother couldn't really see Martin talking about anything bad---Noah knew Martin was mostly an optimistic, happy person, so what reason would he have to tell his teammates that his little brother hadn't spoken to him willingly in month? Or maybe Martin didn't care, and went on with his life. It wasn't as if he'd tried to fix things.

"Eh," he responded with a shrug, "I'm...still here."

Which was really saying something, to Noah, at least. He wasn't proud of it, he could hardly think of it himself, but the last time he'd found himself in a rut like this, he'd tried to take things into his own hands. So, for lasting as long as he had without the thoughts of suicide really entering his mind, Noah figured he was doing quite well, thanks.

"Still here and still bitching." Noah twisted a bit, eyebrows high at Caden, "Is your dictator of a captain going to come storming down here and take you away, or are you on a scheduled break?"

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