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Caden Flint ([info]silex) wrote in [info]valesco,
I'm...still here.

Caden gave a single nod and an understanding 'hm' as he continued to stare at the cracked pavement beneath thier feet. Martin hadn't said much about how Noah and Noel were holding up...at least, he hadn't said anything to Caden. Not that anyone besides Finn ever said much to Caden, or things that he actually cared about. So it wasn't a surprise.

"People don't understand how theraputic bitching can be sometimes...if it's not that, it can be nothing less than satisfying."

The description of Finn made the man smirk yet again. He definetly didn't share Martin's style of humor, that was for sure. This was obvious because most times Caden wanted to throw a Quaffle at Martin's head for goofing around before and after practices, but Noah? He seemed more quiet...but that could have had a lot to do with the fact that he was so depressed.

"No, he's not here. I had to to some sort of signing at Flourish and Blotts, but it's over now..." Those teal orbs moved to glance at Noah out of the corner of his eye before he continued on. "I think my publicist has learned by now that interviews aren't my forte, seeing how I usually wind up telling everyone to fuck off when they keep asking me the same bloody questions. Same thing goes for conferences..and that's if I say anything at all."

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