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molly • w e a s l e y ([info]molllywobbles) wrote in [info]valesco,
Molly had charmed the wireless to follow her around the house all day. She'd woken up to the news, as she always turned on the WWN while making breakfast (which led to her first burnt batch of french toast in ten years). This was the first time that she'd actually known one of the victims, and it was one she actually had some sort of story with.

Mrs. McKinnon, Olivia--she'd been the one that had made and designed her wedding dress. The ones she hoped to one day pass on to...her daughter. Or at least, one of her son's future wives. Or at least a granddaughter. Maybe. In any case, the dress still hung up in her closet upstairs, and as the news relayed, the more and more upset she became. She remembered Marlene from quidditch practices Fabian used to borrow (or--claim) in their backyard.

So--the day had been stressful as she worried about the boys, worried about her brothers, worried about Arthur, worried about Gleny, worried about Bess who she had to (not nearly as begrudgingly as some of Fabian's old exes) start treating like one of their own because of the burgeoning relationship.

Day full of worries, and when she heard Arthur arrive, Molly wasted no time in hurrying into the kitchen, the wireless (and Percy) following right behind her.

"Arthur! How was your day? Are you tired? Are you hungry? Do you want to take a nap? Would you like me to--get---something?"

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