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Arthur Weasley ([info]sparkplugoholic) wrote in [info]valesco,
"Mol," he said softly, pulling his wife into a tight hug. It was so good to be home, to be around her--to know that his family was safe. He kissed the top of her head. "I'm...I'm fine." He couldn't think about food (as much as he wanted to just sit down and become a bottomless pit and take in everything she could possibly cook), or sleep.

"I sent an owl to Bilius earlier in the day. And we've been working on wards and charms and--we need to get the boys packed up."

So that was the plan of action. If he couldn't be at home to keep the family safe (which he knew he couldn't), he would take care of them by moving them somewhere to ensure that. He moved from the kitchen to their bedroom, trying to gather as much things as possible that they might need. Who knew what Molly would actually need, though.

He let a low sigh out, now resting his forearm on the dresser, his head upon that. This was such a bloody mess. "Molly, what are we doing? What am I..." He felt like breaking down and sobbing, but...the boys were still up, and it would just make things difficult on Molly and he didn't want that, not with her expecting now.

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