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molly • w e a s l e y ([info]molllywobbles) wrote in [info]valesco,
Molly agreed to all of Arthur's conditions; they were sensible, they seemed appropriate to calm his worries, and in a time of ward, simple things like special questions were what saved some people's lives.

It was strange, suddenly having this intense worry that didn't have to do with someone falling down the stairs or a cookie being taken. Molly knew very well that there was a war going on, she had two brothers and friends fighting in it, but to have the fear instilled from Arthur, that they could very well be the next targets, well--well that was alarming. Molly had never thought she'd be involved in the war, first hand, but it looks like fate had different plans.

"Percy! What's wrong?" she asked loudly, hoping that the other boys (mainly Bill and Charlie) could hear her, so they would know that she knew something was up.


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