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Malcolm Brown ([info]malcolmite) wrote in [info]valesco,
Ah-hah! Malcolm grinned and shook the hanger just a little more, "Yes you did it with one shirt that was totally the dogs bollocks, it was wonderful. See, we need to go shopping more because I know you have taste, I've seen that red shirt and some of your other clothes, you just need a little help coming the rest of the way. Please just try this one on, you'll love it, I swear."

Malcolm didn't know what the fuss was about, he'd picked that other shirt just to see if they were on the same page. Honestly, didn't Archie know a test swatch when he saw one? He'd clearly passed. Malcolm moved back a bit so Archie could open the door - he'd been good too, keeping Archie sane by not putting his hands everywhere, even though it was hard not to. Archie did have an amazing body. Perhaps he had a twin brother, very gay and less stodgy. That would be a nice distraction from his current predicament with Jamie. "Come on, stud muffin, lets see how fabulous you are. See, I told you that you would love shopping with me."

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