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e s t e l l a ([info]estellerina) wrote in [info]valesco,
Strangely enough, the spinning of the Floo Network did not bother Jacob as much as apparation did. She supposed that feeling like you were being squeezed through a tube could be a very irritating, but the constant spinning usually got her sick so it was strange that her son preferred this method of transportation. At any rate, she arrived at Caden's nearly two minutes after the wash was done, and with a quick drying spell (leaving the rest of her clothes to figure it out themselves---she hoped the self-drying spells worked), she arrived in Caden's living room.

"Hi--" she whispered, stretching her neck to look at her son, who--"He's still asleep. Well."

Estella grinned at Caden in a strange manner, startled that Jacob had slept through the swirling trek, but glad that he had. She twisted, showing Caden the jersey she'd tucked under her arm with a quiet 'ta daa...'

"I'll meet you up in the bedroom?" she said, already starting toward the stairs. Estella swore she saw a flash of brown hair peeking around the corner, and grinned as she realized she'd probably have to tuck Marcus in as well.

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