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Caden Flint ([info]silex) wrote in [info]valesco,
Dropping his arms down to look to his fireplace, he rose to his feet to approach her. He hadn't even had a chance to change out of the jeans and t-shirt he had been wearing that day, since he had been spending most of the time trying to take care of things he didn't have enough time for anymore (like his son for example), or digging through his closet and drawers trying to find that one yellow article of clothing. He probably should have thought about investing in another one, just as a back up or something, but he had never had this problem before.

He glanced down at Jacob who was sound asleep, before she twisted away to reveal that bloody shirt. Giving a sigh of relief, he nodded his head in agreement when she mentioned the bedroom, reaching out to take the jersey from her. "Yeah..." He spoke quietly, careful not to wake the young boy in her arms. Turning around, he followed her upstairs, peeking into Marcus' bedroom to catch him just jumping back into bed, pretending like he had been sleeping the entire time. He didn't even bother saying anything, but just closed the door behind him and moved down the hall into his own bedroom to put the jersey away. After that was done, he slipped into the bathroom, reaching into the cabinet to grab a vile of potion, taking a large swig of something that would hopefully make what was slowly becoming a migrane disappear.

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