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e s t e l l a ([info]estellerina) wrote in [info]valesco,
Estella shimmied down, turning to lie on her side, head on the pillow. She smiled at Caden, even though he looked and seemed grumpy as all hell, but it wasn't as if she'd never had to deal with the grump before. And he wasn't grumpy at her, so it was an easy situation to figure out.

"It really is," she said softly, maybe unconsciously trying to lull him to sleep. Estella couldn't help but shift even closer to him, having gotten used to the extra body in her bed. "If you bought a house near the stadium, you could walk, and then all your problems will be solved."

Puddlemere was a nice area. Rural, the stadium was hidden with the forests like most of the other quidditch pitches were. She liked hanging out in the main street area before games, or during practices on her free days.

"And then--" she said, leg curling around his, "Marcus and--Cormac, and Katie, they could all be neighbors, wouldn't that be nice?"

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