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e s t e l l a ([info]estellerina) wrote in [info]valesco,
Estella twisted onto her stomach now, linking her fingers together to press her chin to her hands. Coming up with a solution for this inconvenience wasn't hard, actually--she flushed immediately as the thought popped into her head. It was an easy answer, technically, but there were so many emotional and...future ties that could come into play that she didn't know if...if they were ready or even willing to talk about, let alone--

"Do you want to--" she stopped herself, dropping her forehead into the pillow for a second. She couldn't just bring it up. Estella didn't know how Caden felt about their future, she couldn't just--she had...ideas, and--and thoughts, and plans, but they were always so busy, and...would he want to get a place, together? That was serious, it was so serious because she wouldn't want to do this unless she knew that...that this was going to last.

Of course, no one could know that, and lying in the bed right now were two people who knew that quite well.

"You could come to dinner, and stay the night," she finished weakly, not able to catch his eyes, her tone indicating that even she knew it was a silly response.

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