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「ℐuliana → †ravers」 ([info]kiska) wrote in [info]valesco,
"Much," she answered, but from her tone you'd never tell it. Juliana was pleased, truthfully, but she wasn't in the mood for gloating--there was still that part of her that was too angry at him, and so her voice stayed quick, informal. Nothing that she could do would make things completely better with what he had done, and she was not about to let him assume that just because she had gotten her revenge meant that she forgave him. Juliana was not an easy forgiver.

She turned her head away from Amery as he entered, not really inclined to look at him for the moment. Even when she was vexed with him, Amery held a rather soft spot in her heart--she really couldn't afford letting him get off easily after what he'd done.

Juliana continued to fiddle with her nail file, allowing a silence to fall between them for a decidedly uncomfortable amount of time as nothing more than a punishment, and then spoke the words that had been itching in the forefront of her mind. "I suppose you haven't spoken to Daniella lately." Of course he hadn't, if he was here and not having a conniption fit.

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