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the adventurous nicodemo a. penrose ([info]otets) wrote in [info]valesco,
Normally, staring was considered rude, but when she was so determinedly not looking at him, he didn't know much what else to do in the stony silence that lingered.

Their relationship had always been an easy one, and their fights few and far between, but it was always unfortunate to him that he did anything to upset her. He would begin to chalk irrational behavior up to pregnancy hormones, since heaven forbid somebody in his family do something irrational of their own free will, but Amery thought he should perhaps go easy on Juliana.

Because it was unfair, after all, what he'd done. He willingly admitted to that, but he would not apologize for doing what he thought was best.

The mention of Daniella, however, was not what he was expecting. Amery folded his arms and leaned against the door frame. "Not as such, no. She's invited me over for some time next week, but-- have you spoken with her?"

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