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「ℐuliana → †ravers」 ([info]kiska) wrote in [info]valesco,
"Oh yes, Daniella and I have spoken," she spoke casually, lifting a hand up towards the ceiling to examine the work on her nails. Juliana pondered over them for a moment before bringing her hand back down and deciding that her ring finger could use a bit more working on.

She could tell she had caught Amery off guard, which was good, and moved on to the next order of business--wondering how long it would take for her brother to understand that she had betrayed him right back. She hoped he wasn't that daft; she didn't have the patience necessary to draw this out.

Juliana continued on after a moment, unable to stop the small bit of pleasure that crept into her voice. "After all, our dear sister is one of the most exemplary examples of proper motherhood that I know. She has been giving me some lovely hints on things to expect, and of course the practice with Edmund is more than welcome."

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