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the adventurous nicodemo a. penrose ([info]otets) wrote in [info]valesco,
"In a specific order would have been nice, Juliana Natalya," Amery said, waiting a few moments to release the bridge of his nose.

No, he was sure of it. Grayson was going to be in a rage. At least Amery had some idea of what to expect now. That didn't change the fact that he was incredibly annoyed with his younger sister. Protocol, compassion, logic, all thrown out the window. This was just going to work out perfectly.

Amery gave her a hunted look. "I refrain from saying this often, because it usually isn't true, but you have to be the most annoying sibling. I put my slice-happy brother in front of you."

He moved his head from side to side, cracking it, in an effort to get his head thinking clearer. Damage control was what he needed. Oh, this was all so not to his taste, he hated when things didn't go as planned.

With a deep sigh, he shrugged. "You'll have to explain it to him first at any rate. I suppose we'll just see what happens. Really, Juliana, badly done. Badly done, indeed."

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