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「ℐuliana → †ravers」 ([info]kiska) wrote in [info]valesco,
She arched an eyebrow right back at her brother. "Yes, of course I was 'all up in arms', but as you threatened to tell him on your terms, in order to save your own hide, I had to come around with a way to get my revenge. I don't take well to threats."

Her lips continued to be set in a triumphant smirk, forgetting her earlier preoccupation with not appearing to gloat. She wanted to gloat now, very much, as her plans were all falling into place.

"You see, the beauty of it all is that you won't have the chance to choose whether you will shoulder the blame or not. I intend to simply let him know the situation---that you were far too insensitive with me, far too rash, and thus I was set off in a rage to make things difficult for you, making his not knowing all your fault. As the good sister I am, I would have told him far earlier, but what with all these terrible hormones running through my system, I could not help my instinct reaction. I'm certain that Daniella would vouch for me there."

Juliana shrugged in response to his question about her relationship with her younger brother. "I have spent all my life doing things to get on Grayson's nerves. I am no stranger to a cold shoulder for a week or two, Amery."

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