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wadcock ([info]wadcock) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-09-04 18:31:00

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Who: Seth and Savannah
When: Earlier today!
What: Surprise!

So the ministry had really thrown a kink into things. Seth had a house in Montrose already picked out, and paper work going through for buying it, half of his and Savannah's things were already packed up (things had to move rather fast being as the season had already started and he was captain of the Magpies now) but oh no, muggleborns can't leave the country any more without a pureblood spouse. What complete and utter bullshit. There was really no plans for him to leave Savannah behind just because the rest of the wizarding world was being stupid. Seth had taking a great liking to having her around all the time. He was milling about Diagon Alley trying to figure out a solution to this dilemma, when something in a store window caught his eye.

'I shouldn't have bought it. I shouldn't have bought it. I'm absolutely crazy. She's going to think I'm starking mad.' It was an on going montage in his head as he headed towards home. There was no way she would go for it. He'd just go home and hide it and return it the next day when the shop opened. He snuck into his apartment and attempted to make it to the bedroom before Savannah noticed he was home, because he definitely had to get it hidden before he talked to her because having it in his pocket would surely cause him to slip up and say something stupid.

“What the hell?!”

Savannah let out a loud groan as she crossed her arms over the papers she had been going through, and laid her head on them. This was all just so ridiculous. She had been sitting at her desk for the last hour and a half, trying to do some research for the new article she was supposed to write for Witch Weekly. It was notes of an interview she had done with a famous muggle-born musician, but she had forgotten parts of it on her desk. And, because of these new laws, she was unable to just pop back, use the key, and retrieve the information she needed. So, she was screwed. And the article was due in 2 days.

“Stupid Ministry can kiss my arse, thinking it’s a good idea to put muggle-born wizards on what could be considered house arrest, just because-“

Her words that were being muttered to herself against her arms were cut short as she heard the door open and close. Sitting upright, she took a deep breath and exhaled, organizing the notes that she did have. It always made her feel a little bit guilty, ranting and raving in front of Seth, when he already felt really bad about the fact that she was stuck there. So, she tried to act as calm as she could when he was home. Not that she didn’t cry about it sometimes, but for the most part she tried to act like it didn’t bother her.

Standing up, she made her way into the bedroom, pulling her hair up into a ponytail as she did so. “You’re home late,” she said with a smile, leaning against the doorframe once she was finished with her hair.

Seth jumped slightly as Savannah came up behind him. He needed to learn how she managed to move about the apartment so silently. "Sorry, I had to stop by Diagon Alley to pick up some things." he said as he walked over to give her a hug. He instantly regreted that being as he had no bags or purchases to show for his shopping expedition. Maybe she wouldn't notice. Well that certainly was wishful thinking now wasn't it. He kissed he forehead gently. "How was your day?"

Oh, she noticed. It wasn’t something that she brought up right away, because…well, maybe she was just being paranoid. Maybe he really had been shopping, and he dropped off his things somewhere else? It was a ridiculous idea, since she couldn’t think of where else he could have gone, but she wasn’t about to doubt him right away, even if that was her first instinct. She couldn’t help it that she was a little bit suspicious, and a little bit cautious, considering the fact that the last person she loved wound up cheating on her. She was certain that Seth was nothing at all like Logan, though. So, she hugged him back, and gave a smile as he kissed her forehead, her arms going around his middle as she leaned her head back to look at him. “It was alright. I was trying to get some work done, but it turned out to be more aggravating than therapeutic, unfortunately.” She shrugged it off and then gave him yet another smirk. “So, what’d you get?”

Of couse she wanted to know what he had gotten. Which was absolutly nothing other than an ring. He wondered how that would go over. 'Oh you know, just an engament ring with a matching wedding band. Nothing major.' Yep. That would go over spectacularly. "Oh well, nothing really, the quidditch store didn't have what I needed in stock." Merlin he was a horrible liar. He could see that she didn't believe him. He wouldn't have if someone had said that to him. He might as well just get to the point, right? He didn't want her to think he was off doing something... he wasn't suppose to be doing.

He really couldn't stand lying to her. Even if it was to keep her from thinking he was a lunatic. He took a deep breath and sighed. "Sav, you are going to think I've lost my mind. But, alright, I've been thinking all day about those stupid stupid additions to that dumb law and it just fucks everything up. I can't keep commuting to Montrose every day and I can't leave you behind because, well I just don't want to. So I was basically walking around trying to think of a way to have you be able to come with me and well most of the were highly illegal and I don't know how you feel about commiting crimes. But then I thought of a way that was legal. But, hell I don't think you'd go for that either and you know what, I'm just going to stop talking because the more I talk the more I'm convincing myself that I have lost my mind."

She couldn't help the fact that her eyebrows rose at the mention of the quidditch store, but she did her best to get them to go back down to normal as quickly as possible. She began chewing on the inside of her cheek, watching his eyes as he spoke to her. He wasn't avoiding eyecontact, but it was more than obvious that he was a little uncomfortable. Her arms remained wrapped around him as he went on with his excuse, even though it didn't really make any sense that he would go to the Quidditch shop in Diagon to get what he needed, when he could probably have someone hand deliver whatever he needed right to his door. It was one of the perks of being a pro athlete. But...maybe he just wanted to go for a walk.

Ugh she hated that she had to keep making excuses in her head, when she should just be able to accept it and believe it. But then things shifted, and he began to go on wth this very long speech about how she would probably think he was insane. She found herself smirking at one point because he was that upset about her not going, and how he couldn't 'leave her behind'. Removing her arms from his waist, she grabbed a hold of his hands and moved around him, pulling him over to take a seat on the edge of the bed beside her. "Okay, Seth...first of all, take a breath, because you're sort of freaking me out here. Second of all...I'm completely lost and have no idea what you're talking about." Giving him a sheepish smile, she bit at her lower lip, looking at him expectantly. "So...? Care to explain why I'm going to think you're crazy in small words for me?"

Seth took a deep breath and dug his hand into his pocket. "You are going to think I'm insane because I hate the idea of me leaving you behind so much that I went out and bought this." he said pulling the small ring box out of his pocket and placed it on her lap. "Because the only way I can get you out of the country with me is if you have a pureblood spouse." He waited a second for a response but then decided to use her state of shock to try and explain. "I know its real sudden and well, honestly I really don't know if I'm ready for another engagment but I'll do whatever it takes to have you come with me. Including marrying you, because I love you and I'm not going to leave you behind."

Those large eyes blinked at him curiously as he reached into his pockets, only to go rather wide when she saw the box that he pulled out. She let it sit on her lap her hands going to grab a hold of it. All she could do was stare at the velvet case as he spoke, letting all of the information sink in. Her mouth was hanging open a bit, and even though she wanted to say something, all she could do was make a vowel noise. Pressing her lips together, she swallowed roughly and turned to look at him. This was completely real, wasn't it? He...he mentioned the word engagement, and she was holding a ring box, and he was telling her how much he loved her and...


It was the first thing she had been able to say, and that was really all she could say. She twisted the box in her hands, trying to decide on what the right thing to say. She couldn't just have him go on and not say anything in response to it, could she? No, she had to speak. She had to say something more than a letter.

"You want to marry me?"

She turned to him, looking bewildered. "I mean...I love you too, you know I do, and...well, as you said this is really sudden, but...you really want to marry me? As in...taking vows, and being together forever? You...you want that? You'd do that?" There were so many things going through her mind, and she was sure that the room was spinning.

Seth watched her as she stuttered out her response. Her question gave him a way out, if he wanted it. But he didn't. It barely crossed his mind. The only thing he could think of was, yes. "Yes. I do. Taking vows, being together forever sounds amazing to me, but I don't want to make you do anything.

Seth gently took the ring box out of her fingers. He played with it for a second before pulling out the ring and sliding off the bed so he was knelling down in front of Savannah. "So I'll just ask, and you can answer anyway you like and nothing will change. Savannah, will you marry me?"

She was floored that he was able to answer so quickly, and she felt her mouth go dry. Her hands just continued to fumble with the box, not even realizing that she had been playing with it this entire time until he went to reach for it. Her fingers twitched slightly, now not having anything to keep her occupied while her brain worked quickly, trying to catch up with everything that was happening. Eventually, she was able to clasp her hands together to keep them from moving, only to have one extend upwards to place it on her chest as she finally saw the ring that was inside of the box. It was absolutely stunning. Literally breathtaking, since she felt like she wasn’t able to breathe at the moment. And then he had to go and kneel, and then he had to go and ask her that question, and then-


The single word being spoken so suddenly was stunning to her, and she actually widened her eyes again once she realized that she had said it. Even after everything that had happened in her past, even after having so many trust issues, she was truly, deeply in love with this man. They hadn’t even been together for as long as she thought they would be before they took this step, but…they were there. He was kneeling in front of her, asking if she would marry him. And while Savannah was the type of girl to usually think things through, to think through every possibility, she just had a feeling that this would work. And, maybe that wasn’t strong enough for some people, and maybe some people would think she was nuts for wanting to marry someone who used to be a ladies man, who had access to any woman he wanted, she didn’t even hesitate to give him an answer. She looked down at him, and finally gave the most sincere smile she had given in quite some time. “I can’t see myself with anyone else but you, Seth…so my answer is yes.”

Seth grinned as he picked her up in a hug and twirled her around. "This is the best day ever." He said with a laugh. "We should start planning now so we can get you moved into our house. It will be amazing." He kissed her as he put her back down. "So whenever you decide on a date just let me know. I'll be there." Seth hadn't stopped grinning since she had said yes. He really couldn't believe she did. But that was beside the point now, they were going to get married and he couldn't have possibly be happier.

As soon as he picked her up, she too let out a laugh, keeping her arms wrapped tight around his neck. Once her feet were back on the ground, she beamed up at him. “Well, I hope you’ll be there, because I’d look quite pathetic standing up there all by myself!” She scrunched her nose up at him and pulled herself up to kiss him, letting this one last for a while longer until she could pull herself away from him. “This is so surreal, isn’t it? I mean…we’re going to be married. We’re going to get married, and…” She couldn’t even think of anything else to add to that because her head was spinning again. “This is really happening, right? I’m not just imagining it?”

Seth laughed a bit when Savannah questioned the reality of it all. He didn't blame her at all though. "It does seem a bit unreal, doesn't it? But don't worry. This is really happening. It could happen right now if you wanted it to." He kissed her once again. This was all very exciting. "Today, tomorrow, next week, next month, whenever. But it's really happening."

Her stomach was full of butterflies, her cheeks actually beginning to hurt from how much she was smiling. “Right now?” She said with raised brows. “Well, when do you want this to happen? Do you want it to be right now? Like…right now?” Oh, that was all quite sudden. But…at the same time it was exciting! Very spur of the moment, and very unlike her. What ever happened to the Savannah who spent hours and hours thinking about things? She must have disappeared whenever she was around Seth, because he made her feel so spontaneous and daring.

Seth's eyes widened a bit when she asked if he wanted it to be right then. Did that mean she would go along with it? And be happy? Because that would cut out a whole lot of waiting and planning and telling her brother who he was pretty sure didn't like the idea that she was dating him. It would get rid of the possibility that she might change her mind and run off, not that he thought she would but it was a possibility, it did happen. "Well, if it were to happen now, we could be in our house by next week and there would be less chance of the Ministry of adding more stupid laws and getting in the way. But I want you to be happy, its up to you because I'm happy either way."

Sav chewed thoughtfully at her bottom lip, trying to think of what she really wanted to do here. There were factors that were telling her that it was probably a good idea to wait, that she wanted her family there when she got married, that she wanted to do things right. But then there were things that were telling her to just go for it. To just marry him now, because she wanted to. To marry him now so that they wouldn’t be countries apart, so that they could be together. There was always the possibility of things going awry, of things getting messed up for some reason between them, and then they’d be bound together through marriage, but she didn’t see that happening. Not at all. True, they haven’t even been together for an entire year, but they were good together. He brought out her fun side, and she calmed him down when things got too hectic. So, after what seemed like an eternity, she finally answered, despite her mental tug of war. “Let’s do it. Let’s get married now.” She paused. “But…afterwards…after we take our vows, I want to do it right. Not…not that this isn’t right, because I feel it is, but I just…I want to get married in a church, and I want my Dad to give me away, and I want Sam to be there…I need Sam to be there. Can we do that?”

Seth picked Savannah up again and kissed her soundly. "We'll have a fabulous wedding afterwards, I promise. Merlin, I love you." He spun her around a bit and kissing her again. "Shall we go? Or should we celebrate the engagement first?"

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