16 November 1982 @ 07:53 pm
WHO: Fawcetts
WHAT: Emoooooo
WHERE: New place in Ottery St. Catchpole
WHEN: night of 14th Nov

There was no desire to go back to how they were, because how they were was living on eggshells they didn’t know existed. )
09 October 1982 @ 09:19 pm
WHO: Drystan and Bess Fawcett
WHAT: Bess has a surprising proposition
WHERE: Their flat
WHEN: Tonight!

Perfect for quidditch. )
08 September 1982 @ 11:01 pm
Drystan! >>  
With Sadie and Stephen having begged to stay over at their grandmother's for the night, Bess pushed her way back into their flat with Brian sound asleep against her chest. Her boy had exhausted himself, crawling like an animal around the spacious, baby-proofed cottage. Part of Bess had wished to stay along with her older two kids, finally feeling like her parents' home was a place of comfort and happiness, especially when her own flat had been filled with such anxiety and tension. She'd stayed the night in Sadie's room after her fight with Drystan, trying her best to make her daughter think it was just a girls-night sleepover. Sadie hadn't been fooled, however, and her daughter's concern had made it very hard to go the night without crying.

That cold disappointment was the worst feeling she'd ever had during her marriage to Drystan. It was the one thing she never thought she would feel, and Bess couldn't imagine how she was going to fix this. She hadn't been able to talk to Penny, and hoped that the girl had managed to avoid her husband while he was away at quidditch practice.

He would be home now though, hopefully. As anxious as she was to really see him since the fight, Bess needed to know that he hadn't left. Merlin, she didn't know if he could handle it if Drystan wasn't home.

"Hello?" she called out, hoping to hear a response. Or maybe he wouldn't respond, and she'd have to go looking for him, but as long as he was there...
06 September 1982 @ 07:59 pm
He was in a mood. If asked, Drystan's reply would of course be that it was caused by the gossip feature and his wife's appearance in it. If someone else had been asked, they might have said his mood had been going on for a time longer than that. However, if his teammates had noticed he was a surlier sort of quiet, the matter hadn't been remarked upon. Nonetheless, he could feel the dark edges of temper creeping up on him, waiting to surpass the boiling point. As a matter of course, Drystan considered himself an even-natured sort, not prone to extremes of emotions. His family had a passionate nature, so biology had taken it upon itself to make him the stalwart. There were exceptions, of course, very memorable ones, like the times he never acted out but ought to have built upon themselves to the point of exploding. But they were few and far between, and he tried not to dwell on them. Drystan tried for a shower, hoping to relax and ease his foul state of mind, but the hot steam was a catalyst for the searing headache he'd been flirting with all during practice and left him simply in a blacker mood than before.

Even the prospect of coming home after a long day gave him no real relief. Barely sparing a moment to notice Penelope had evidently taken the children out for a night, he forewent the usual niceties and greetings to his wife and instead threw a copy of the Tattler on the table and pressed his hand to his closed eyes. "If you're going to carry on assignations with my rival players, you might avoid the cameras."
31 August 1982 @ 04:51 pm
WHO: Bess & Drystan Fawcett
WHAT: Drystan finds something that isn't his..
WHERE: Their flat
WHEN: After Hawaii!

She was his wife, after all. His. Them. Together. Together didn't do the things running through his head. )
10 June 1982 @ 10:15 pm
Open to Quidditch Players + Guests  
Of course the party had a slight theme of blue and yellow. It wasn't blatantly obvious, but as Bess shifted the United blue napkins to the perfect angle, she couldn't help but beam at how proud she was of the entire gathering. People were happy to see each other, mingling and looking relaxed; the party was exclusive to the players and their guests, so there were no cameramen or journalist---the only pictures being taken were by the players themselves, who seemed to be having a good time goofing off before work began again. Bess had really never thought about being one of those wives, that hosted parties and entertained guests, but---she had to admit that it was quite fun.

The garden looked beautiful. Bess wasn't quite sure how Drystan had so easily managed to get the space, but she wasn't going to complain. Her husband had tricks up his sleeve that she'd probably never fully figure out. Plus, she'd gotten her sister-in-law out of her flat and now Penelope was somewhere around here...hopefully talking to a handsome bloke (but just talking! Only talking!).

Bess couldn't be more pleased with herself. She let out a breath and shook her head at a few players who were on their fourth glass of champagne.
08 February 1982 @ 08:36 pm
Valentine's Day Gala!  

Being the defending champs gave the members of the Caerphilly Catapults many obligations, like being the MC's of this rather lavish evening...or, rather, the boys had volunteered Carys to do all the talking as they stood and looked cute in their suits. It was a job that she didn't particularly mind, she'd been in the spotlight all her life, but she grew bored of introducing generous donors and the big-wigs of the league. Carys knew about all the politics that went on behind the scenes, so she put on a good face, but was definitely not shy about voicing her opinion on certain matters.

"Oh, absolutely," she said to the head of the refereeing committee, "But when you've got one ref on the offensive side, and the foul's committed on the far end of the defense's area....I'm just saying, we should probably be taking advantage of--oh, what's it called?" Carys winked at the man, and at the reporter listening in, "--magic?"

She laughed when he huffed and excused himself, and the reporter shook her hand for the great sound bit. Carys gave a little twirl (her dress had too many ruffles not to twirl), and leaned over the counter to order another drink. The sound of something like an amused snort made her turn her head, and she raised her eyebrows,

"Something funny?"
06 February 1982 @ 12:05 pm
Speedy Owl to Drystan!  
So, I'M KIND OF FREAKING OUT HERE BECAUSE-- this morning when I was talking about my back sort of aching but then I told you it wasn't a big deal and that you should go to practice all the way in Puddlemere because of the home game tonight?

Well, I'm pretty sure my water's just broken and I'm going into labor.

Don't freak out!

- Bess
18 August 1981 @ 12:49 am

[Who?] Bess Fawcett and Jen Scabior.
[Where?] St Mungo's Maternity Ward dundundun
[Rating?] PG
[Why?] Why not?
Preggos Galore. )
21 July 1981 @ 06:48 pm
Who: Fawcetts!
What: Breaking the news
When: Yesterday evening

Important news around this household usually meant life-altering )
13 June 1981 @ 01:52 pm
Had Scotland won? Were they ahead by much? Who had even caught the snitch?

Despite playing an active role in the match, supposedly, Drystan had not one clue as to any of these questions, nor did he recall much to any of the events immediately before, during, or after. All he knew was, half of him wanted the match to go on for a very, very long time (so long, in fact, he wouldn't really ever have to come down), and half of him wanted to catch the bloody golden thing himself, just to end it sooner. Sooner or later, of course, he had to touch down, and after being swept up by his teammates and other personnel on the field, he numbly remembered there was something very, very important that had to be dealt with it.

They'd seen the kids off with Penelope, and made their way home in relative silence, but it was not to last.

"When did you find out?" he asked, gently.
13 June 1981 @ 09:11 am
WHO: Bess and Drystan Fawcett
WHAT: Big news before the big game!
WHEN: TODAY before Scotland and Italy!
WHERE: World Cup Stadium!

... it wasn't her fault that her husband was caring enough to notice the frazzled state she was in. )
29 May 1981 @ 03:48 pm
To Friends and Family of Odette MacFarlan!  

For fun, RSVP in comments with like...cute gifts or something! Estella would have said to owl them or something! For her quidditch bloke friends---they can definitely come, but Estella probably sent out a warning like GIRLS SQUEALING ABOUT BABY CLOTHES the whole time XD But the ones in the tags were the people like BETTER SHOW UP lmao idk xD And only Noah knows the sex. So. Hence the gender neutral invite and ~decorations~ >> that I may or may not pick out lmao
21 February 1981 @ 05:46 pm


OOC: Backdated to yesterday, because I fail.
31 January 1981 @ 10:52 pm
Who: Bess Zeller and...her mom?
What: An invitation!
Where: Her mother's dress shop!
When: Sunday afternoon!

Because you kicked me out of your life )