10 November 1983 @ 05:41 pm
WHO: Nora Peakes & Nicodemo Penrose
WHAT: He gets a not-so-foreign surprise
WHERE: Egypt!
WHEN: Toooday?

Any new bets I should be made aware of? Perhaps some more imaginative ways to compromise my virtue? )
01 November 1983 @ 12:33 am
Egypt Cursebreakers!  
He blinked wearily, waking up from a rather deep sleep. Ethan let out a long breath from his nose as his eyes adjusted to the dimly lit wands that were gathered in the center of the room---oh, oh no, excuse him, tomb. The wands were in the middle of the dimly lit tomb that he and the rest of the curse-breaker team were trapped in.

If he was going to narrate this disaster, he had to get the wording right.

It had all happened very quickly. One of the final hurrahs of the expedition was to get to the center of a recently unburied pyramid that had a lot of magic reverberating from it. Muggles couldn't get past the first set of rooms (which they had announced already, to the world, was the furthest the tomb would go), but within a few days the wizard team had managed to find ten more locations with various dedications to different deities, sarcophagi that's paint was still as bright as the day it was lathered onto the casket, and precious jewels that had literally knocked them off their feet with the amount of magic they each contained. It was a beautiful way to end the rather successful trip, and Ethan was more than proud of the work they'd accomplished.

At least, it had been a beautiful way. Upon entering this resting spot of theirs, the excitement of the find had left one minor detail overlooked; no one had been assigned to watch the entrance. The door had slid shut behind them and no matter the volley of spells that they hit it with, it would not budge. That had been yesterday, and after agreeing that a good night's sleep might help them think of a solution, the team camped out. Ethan had hoped an idea would have come to him in a dream, but all he could focus on was the heavy weight leaning on his bad arm.

"Penrose! I told you not to touch me!" Ethan let out, shaking his upper torso wildly to knock the sleeping curse-breaker off of him. He looked across the cramped room, his frustrated attitude not alleviating, "Larkin, he's touching me again!"
24 October 1983 @ 01:45 pm
POSTED FOR SATURDAY~ Sinners & Saints Ghost Train!  

As the country side rushed by outside the window, Dianna could feel her pride grow with each passing second. She wasn't one to admit that she bragged about her achievements, but it would be a lie to think that she was not going to be boasting at how overwhelmingly amazing this event had turned out to be. The turn out had been far more than anticipated, the musicians that varied through every other cart were fantastic and livening up the mood---there were even ghosts of old conductors and passengers floating through the carts and having the time of their after-lives scaring the guests.

It was to be a fun, fantastic, frightful night. Dianna was beside herself with excitement, and she tugged her skirt down a bit and went on a search for a friendly face to interact with. Merlin, she'd really out done herself this time, she thought amusing as a cart-wide sized cobweb magically unspun to let her pass.

Dianna flipped a golden curl over her shoulder, smirking greatly. She was so brilliant.
06 October 1983 @ 06:57 pm
Open to Guests and Friends etc!!!!  
Charlie really did love throwing parties, but it seemed like the common theme was that these events were for his really, really good friends. He knew he'd been sort of a prat to Octavius this past year or so, so he really wanted to give his friend a good time. Charlie also wanted to get Octavius' mind off of his recent breakup, which...officially had become> a breakup about a week or so after...they actually broke up. He wasn't exactly sure how everything had gone down, but he knew that this was a Rose-Free-Zone.

"Happy Octaviusfest!" he shouted along with the crowd, taking a swig from his rather large beer glass. The Oktoberfest theme was a hit, there were goats and sheep and geese and horses in pens so that Gebhard could have a blast as well, and there were good people here. No room to make a big mess of things, and it should be a good night.

And he was drinking this time around, so that would make this night even better, he suspected.
25 September 1983 @ 10:07 pm
WHO: Nicodemo Penrose and Nora Peakes
WHAT: The most magnificent picnic!
WHERE: Flying horse paddock, somewhere in the UK!
WHEN: ERRR Sunday?

What, was it a bet? Did you just win five Galleons on the easy curse-breaker? )
20 September 1983 @ 09:50 pm
owl to nora peakes  
Delivered by a really awesome bird, obvi )
17 September 1983 @ 11:02 pm
WHO: Nora Peakes and Nicodemo Penrose
WHAT: A lot of running for their lives
WHERE: Wilderness of Inverness!

RUN! )
06 September 1983 @ 03:47 pm
Axe's Anniversary of Birth!!!!  
Charlie was pretty sure he'd missed out on a wonderful career as a party planner. As he stared out at the dance floor, which he stood over on a platform where the DJ was spinning a mix of wizard and muggle music (even with some popular French songs that were actually pretty catchy if Charlie said so himself). He wasn't surprised at how many people showed up, but it still nearly startling to see how bloody happy everyone was to be there! Sure, some looked ridiculous with the fake mustaches that were passed out (not required, obviously), but a lot had actually grown out their beards and it was----cool, they tried, they wanted to be there and they wanted to have a good time. Charlie wanted to have a good time.

The Kestrels were not top of the pack, and while he believed in his team completely, the stress of the numbers had been getting to them. A night like this was necessary, and maybe it could rejuvenate the team that had lost some valuable members this season and had done a bit of shifting around. They were still trying to get themselves into place, and it needed to happen faster than it was.

Plus, Axe had been pissy all week that no one had acknowledged the anniversary of his birth.

Charlie grabbed the mic from the DJ and grinned, enjoying colorful scene laid out in front of him. funkybuddha club had been a perfect choice for the night, "Don't everyone tire themselves out! There's still a lot more festivites to look forward to!"

enter funkybuddha club )
21 May 1983 @ 11:32 am
Nora straightened her shoulders, her hands softly tugging on the bow on her back. It wasn't too much, was it? It was just a spring dress! Nothing fancy, nothing overboard, it was simply--a dress. She couldn't exactly meet a random bloke and wear her dragon wrangling clothes, right? The shoes were simple flats, but they still hurt her feet and---why wasn't she feeling as confident as she had been while flirting through the journals with said stranger? She should really have talked to someone about this. Delilah would've turned into a hurricane of makeup and excitement and Nora couldn't handle that. What had she been thinking? Prompting a lunch date out of a stranger, ugh!

She should leave. She could leave, he'd never find out who she really was, and that would be that. Right. That would save her a lot of stress, that would make her life a whole lot easier and----backwards Wasps hat! Nora stared, gaped as she watched her blind date look through the front window. He was young, he was---cute. She flushed immediately and turned around, feigning great interest in the dessert display. It also gave her bow full visibility, and now she could at least relax enough at the fact that she'd been flirting with someone funny and handsome.
19 May 1983 @ 07:24 pm
WHO: Nora Peakes & Octavius Pepper!
WHAT: Mischief, etc.
WHERE: It starts in a pub...
WHEN: Technically before Charlie got dragon pox LOL but it doesn't really matter

He’d end up biting off their thumbs or something of the like )