09 June 1979 @ 04:38 pm
Who: Alice Longbottom and Lily Potter
What: A night to the cinema turns into a not-so-pleasant time
When: Tonight

This was why she never liked to hang out with Alice Longbottom )
25 May 1979 @ 09:13 am
Open to Friends!  
Alice could now say she understood why people made such a fuss over weddings.

Well, no, not really---she would enjoy having the pictures with her friends, and dancing, but everything else was really unnecessary to her. Not that it was bad, no, no it was terribly fun to dress up and see everyone else dress up, but she had never been one to seek attention. And, really, that's all a wedding was, making sure everyone in the whole world knew that the bride and groom loved each other very much. Let's show you by wearing a big white dress and snazzy tuxedo!

No, no--they could just look back at the year Frank and Alice have had as a married couple, to understand what they meant to each other. Admittedly, it wasn't as stressed as some other's may have been, thankfully, but they still had made it. A lot of people don't even get to one year, and Alice was very, very proud of them.

Of course, their marriage might be over the moment Frank found out she helped a certain Slytherin sneak into their house last night, but Alice had faith in her husband; or, at least, she had faith in her ability to produce tears on the spot, and therefore confuse her husband into forgiving her.

Hey--to make a marriage work, you have to know how to survive.

With the party in full swing, Alice made her way through the crowd, thanking people for coming and accepting compliments and all the other things a bride-again was supposed to do. It was really nice, seeing all of her friends with happy, smiling faces, as it had been such a rough year. Maybe there was a reason for weddings afters all.
30 April 1979 @ 04:29 pm
Open Thread!  
She pulled the invisibility cloak tighter over herself, taking in deep, steady breaths. The streets of Godric's Hollow were calm, still, not a person in sight as it was rather late; in the houses of the muggles in the area, you could see the telly flickering through the windows. Alice couldn't see the Order members hidden about the town, but she had a rough idea of where they were all located. It was strange to have the upper hand for once, but she knew it wouldn't last for long, no matter how pessimistic a thought. The tip to Dumbledore had arrived with a good amount of time before nightfall and had given the Order a lot of time to prepare for whatever was going to strike the small village.

James had been adamant about being one of those to go and find Sirius, but it was obvious that with his past relations with the death eaters that they couldn't risk it. Alice knew that Frank was eager to help as well, but it was finally decided on who was to stay and who was to go, and things would just have to deal.

Alice slowly made her way through a garden of one of the small cottages. She couldn't help but peer through the kitchen window, eyes softening at the sight of a daughter helping her mother was the dishes. These people were completely innocent; why had Voldemort decided to attack this village? Surely it couldn't be because wizards and muggles were living together, Hogsmeade was the only all-wizarding village and he'd already attacked there twice.

Quickly, she put up a ward on the houses' windows, feeling a guilt rise up in her at not being able to warn the family about what was to happen. She saw the flare of a spell before she heard it erupt, and Alice gripped her wand tighter, sending one last look toward the window before heading out into the starts of the fray.

10 March 1979 @ 10:26 pm

Okay, logically speaking, his wife could be doing a lot of things in the guest bathroom. Women tended to do that; do strange things that would take a very long time in bathrooms and all the time he, Frank, never understood. And he wasn't supposed to, because it was a girl thing. He got that. But--- okay, whenever girls took forever, they never came out sounding worried, so why would Alice be writing to him, from in there? Sounding very worried, he might add, which made him worried because whatever made her worry made him worry because Alice was very level headed, therefore very keen into the levels of needing to be upset.

Frank threw his journal to his feet, and leaned into the side of the wall next to the door. What was he exactly suppose to say to her, when he didn't know what was going on. It couldn't be bad, because if it was something like that, then she would have told him already. Or--- she was waiting until now. No, no, that was silly; nothing was wrong. Alice was just probably feeling sick, and she needed him to bring her things to make her feel better.

That thought comforted Frank much more, and he relaxed a bit. "What's going on?" he said through the wall.
29 February 1979 @ 10:11 pm
A good thing about being the only female trainee was...well, there wasn't much, but there was one thing, and that was having the locker room all to herself. The full-fledged female aurors were down the hall, and the trainees, well, from what Frank had said in not such nice words...that Alice won't repeat. They simply weren't as in good of a condition as the other lockers. Alice didn't mind it much, she usually waited until they got home to shower, anyway, so all it was to her was a large changing room.


A good thing about it was that it was always empty, and for some reason, whatever reason her subconcious could come up with, because Alice didn't have much of an idea, she felt like flirting with Frank. Not regular flirting, because of course she flirted with her husband on a daily basis. But flirting, flirting, and Alice wasted no time in poking her head out of the locker room door and grabbing onto Frank's arm, as he'd been waiting outside for her like he always did (such a good husband, really).

Alice shut the door quickly behind them, "Hullo," she said slyly, leaning back against the door.