11 May 1979 @ 06:53 pm
She felt like she hadn't done anything outside of work and sleep for the past month. Giada couldn't believe---a month and a day, Alexandria had been dead a month and a day. Her friend had been gone for one month and one full day and she still couldn't find the strength to start...start moving on as people liked to say. How--how was she supposed to do that? It wouldn't make things better, it wouldn't bring one of her best friends back, so--so--what was the point?

If there was one, Giada couldn't see it. She felt terribly guilty for having to put Graeme through all of this, just as they'd moved in together, but all her attempts at being happy were short-lived and...ugh. She wouldn't be surprised if he broke up with her, with how she was so closely resembling a dementor, the way she sucked the fun out of everything she did.

The knock on their flat's door surprised her, and Giada slipped off the couch, keeping her warm blanket over her shoulders. Graeme was out somewhere (ugh, horrible girlfriend, he'd told her too but she hadn't exactly been listening---) and she wasn't expecting anyone, but it was probably Sam or Ally, checking in and making sure she wasn't drowning away her sorrows. They'd be sorely disappointed.

"Rachel!" she squeaked after peeking through the peep hole. Giada opened the door and smiled as warmly as she could (which wasn't much) at her friend. "Hi, hi--come in." Oh, she probably looked a wreck.