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◘ я j f ◘ ([info]ralphed) wrote in [info]valesco_history,
If it was any other time, Ralph would have looked quite horrified at the sight of Miranda touching his guitar. That was his baby--- not just everyone was allowed to come in contact with it, and she had gone and done exactly that! Her, Miranda, the very girl that was most certainly not allowed to be within two meters of it had gone and--- practically defiled it! Now it had BenandMiranda germs crawling all over it (don't think he hadn't noticed that interaction), ruining it's integrity. It's innocence!

Ralph let out a couple quick huffs, his gaze only shifting away from Miranda's face once to glance down at his guitar. What was her problem? She was the one that had been bumming everyone else out. Not him, he had been minding his own business, genuinely trying to enjoy alone time in peace. "Yeah, well---" Ralph started, his mouth moving quicker than his brain. What had he been planning on saying? His quick remark had been planned prior to her walking over for this very reason, but it was now lost to him.

Damn! He couldn't be the one to start the confrontation and lose it! She was not allowed to distract him with her shiny hair and her pretty smells and--- no! He did not care for any of those things because-- because--- Ralph continued to fumble for a few more seconds before screwing his face up tight. This was the time for action, for getting revenge (for what, exactly, he wasn't sure), and showing off.

"Someone had to say something before you induced the entire Common Room into a nauseated coma," Ralph spoke quickly, and still keeping to his loud tone. Good thing he had the back of this chair as a divider between him and her.

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