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elizabeth f. fortescue ([info]ringmybell) wrote in [info]valescoing,
It had come to Liz's attention that her daughter didn't really like her. Katie had spent the past week with her, and while the five year old looked like a minature version of herself, Liz had absolutely no idea how to communicate with the girl. She really did want to try, it had taken her a long time to want to have the relationship with Katie, but Liz figured that a young kid was pretty impressionable, and how badly could Katie think of a mother who had barely acknowledged her for two yers of her very short life? It was nearly half her life!

Liz didn't know what had possessed her to ask Ian for certain weekends, or weeks. She didn't know what posessed him to let her, but she knew that he was a good man. It hadn't been his fault that she had left them, and there hadn't been anything for him to do to get her back. Blame it on the war, like Liz did with most of her problems.

But, she was here now because her five year old hated her and she needed something to make her like her again. Liz immediately thought back to her childhood and reminisced of the times she spent owling her friends and anxiously waiting for their letters to return. An owl would be good for Katie. The birds basically took care of themselves, and Liz could always send her letters, and, if Katie wanted, she might send something back. A picture, or the alphabet that she'd been doodling for hours nonstop on her napkins yesterday when she was refusing to eat Liz's dinner.

"Hi, sorry---I want to get my five year old an owl, but...I know they're really intelligent, but do you think they'd get annoyed with a little kid? She's really well-behaved," Liz chuckled to herself, "Nothing to do with my behalf, but she's a good girl."

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