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discounthats ([info]discounthats) wrote,
@ 2012-10-06 10:43:00

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First in the manufacturing business is a shape point
 South sand new sector total notion scheme that releases sur September, the past year, south sand new sector beginning routinize dash scope for sand gulf waterway with the southern territory, the total area reaches to 803 square kilometers with win, north, w., south four greatest town set the blastophore spreads to write.Northern the set is inside the blastophore territory, will with the car make a matrix and higher - new techniques domain for lord;Western set blastophore with equip manufacturing business and Ling is southern small culture in the town tour the sector and ecosystem agriculture make sight-seeing trip sector for predominate;The south from south sand international in bond at and from a port sector, sea higher - new techniques sector and Ling south the water country model last kings snapback sector forms;Central set blastophore the construction then is a gulf sector in the center and communication vital point, town synthesis service sector etc..

  This among them, the advanced manufacturing business is particularly a modern to equip a manufacturing business will be future south sofa stretch of a greatly and particularly.Particularly is is a shot trigone of several what center, south sand vs inside the economic hinterland of own amplitude, outward again is with HongKong-Macau cooperate, face to int'l and important window way, how extrovert type resource and inside the postponed resource carry out good butt joint probably is south one big opportunity of the sand future development.

  Be located in eastern electricity of the Yang Qi of inland Sichuan have invested 2 item si in Guangzhou at the same time since 2004, all be located in south sand.Eastern electricity(Guangzhou) heavy type machine company limited executive Tang Wei called while accepting media interviews like this report,etc recently, south sand the new sector had 2 points to full to draw on a person, on being CEPA to in advance and first try model sector, the second was to give a new life Guangzhou Hsin-cheng and alongside the sea Hsin-cheng, brought of business opportunities and shape space are very big.He said that the eastern electricity thinks highly of south a sand new sector future development.

  To parts of crafts, the south sand scheme gets job to be a big benefit to like.After August, the past year, is upgraded by the south sand scheme"benefit good" impact, southern atrium price in the sand territory anti municipality higher, nba jerseys only break through 10000 dollars toll-gate for three months, but fall into "7" henceforth and all the way, the basic Qi is steady at"8" currently, but in the near future is programed benefit very probably again will welcome lately an of churning.

  "Last year south sand atrium the price have already excessively overdrawn, atrium price regression after, in the near future ratify again churning, but I individual think churning space to fulls limited."Peng Peng thinks that the south sand tapping is an at long sight course, is not likely to accomplish in one move.see more:Mariner's Pitcher Makes History

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