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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-03-31 08:09:00

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Nicolai: *comes out later* Good morning. *despite it being afternoon.*

*They'll ask how he's been doing the past several days, how's Aren, just get to know him...also start getting more on what the world is like, where people are, how they survive, etc . . . they'll gladly greet Nicolai when he joins them again*

Terris: *will fill them in, and promises they'll have new weapons soon too*

Nicolai: Is Mitham still working? *nods at the barn*

Deckard: *shakes his head with a small frown of concern* He said he was going to get some food and rest. He wasn't in the trailer?

Nicolai: *also frowns* No, he wasn't...

Terris: *also frowns* I'd like to go look for him. *will shift to be put down...or if Duke wants to carry him over he's cool with that too*

Duke: *puts him down*

PJ: Maybe he decided to get some more work done after all.  Kid's been going practically nonstop as it is.

Deckard: */frowning/*  We know we have enemies.  We can't risk it.  Terris, Nicolai, please check the trailer.  Duke, Gunmax, Shadowmaru, the barn.  Build Team, with me – we'll scan the grounds and perimeter.

Team: *salutes!* Roger! *the Braves move off to their assignments*

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2014-03-31 12:34 pm UTC (link)
*Terris and Nicolai head off from the group to check the trailer. Mitham isn't in the barn, isn't in the trailer, isn't anywhere. Maru will find evidence of a scuffle and a bit of blood not too far from the trailer.*

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2014-03-31 12:59 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *over the comms * Deckard, Little-Boss is gone. I've found a trail.
Deckard: Follow it!
Maru: *already shifting to dog form* On it, danna! *sniffs around and starts off*
Deckard: Duke, McCrane, back him up.
D/McC: Roger! *move to follow at a distance*

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2014-03-31 01:09 pm UTC (link)
*The trail will lead into a cave. Maru will be able to get in, but the other two are a bit too big to follow. Maru will also be rather sure he's tracking a Vorian...Won't have to go too far in to see something moving. A Vorian is kneeling over Mitham, the boy is unconscious.*

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2014-03-31 01:26 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *hangs back, keeping his optics dim. He'll scan the rest of the cave for any possible escape routes or if he has the Vorian cornered.*

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2014-03-31 01:37 pm UTC (link)
Vorian: *is trapped, only way out is back past Maru. He reaches down and softly touches Mitham's head. Vorians are tall creatures, compared to humans anyway. This one is a little shy of nine feet tall. His arms are long and thin, muscular, but thin. The race is lanky looking anyway, looking stretched with thin bodies, and elongated limbs. They also have a number of tentacle like limbs on their backs, usually between six and ten. This one has six. It doesn't seem to have noticed Maru there yet.*

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2014-03-31 02:40 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *will sneak as close as he can get without being noticed, then will shift back to robot form and dart a hand out to snatch the Vorian*

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2014-03-31 02:43 pm UTC (link)
Vorian: *is just turning to look at the sounds of Maru transforming. He lets out a startled sound and tries to move, but is snatched. He goes stiff and still, softly glowing white eyes watching Maru closely.*

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2014-03-31 03:33 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *small grin, no humor* You weren't expecting to see a robot, were you, Vorian?

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2014-03-31 03:41 pm UTC (link)
Vorian: *squirms a little...he nods and gives a bit of a shrug. Not surprised by the robots, surprised to be caught* *and...he'll take a moment to attempt to communicate. After fifty years on Earth Vorian have learned the native languages, or most have, though the human languages are hard for Vorian to produce. When he speaks it's with difficulty and sounds like gravel in a grinder.* Mean no harm...just wanted to talk...

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2014-03-31 03:44 pm UTC (link)
Maru: ………..*half inclined to believe him, actually, though he's not taking any chances* All right, then. I'm listening.

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2014-03-31 03:49 pm UTC (link)
Vorian: Saw boy with you. You are Resistance?

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2014-03-31 03:54 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *small smirk* I should think that would be obvious. Do you know who I am? Or what? *it's possible this individual doesn't, but he'll ask anyway*

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2014-03-31 03:55 pm UTC (link)
Vorian: Best not to assume. ...You look like one of the Brave Police. They were destroyed fifty years ago.

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2014-03-31 04:07 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *smirk gets a /bit/ less friendly* Seems your people were less than successful at that. I /am/ Shadowmaru of the Brave Police. *no point hiding it, since this person has already spotted him – and surely the others as well – with Mitham*

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2014-03-31 04:11 pm UTC (link)
Vorian: *chin tucks a little at the tone and expression* That is fortunate for you.
Mitham: *soft moan as he starts to come to...*

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2014-03-31 04:21 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *glances down at Mitham* Little-Boss, can you hear me?

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2014-03-31 04:47 pm UTC (link)
Mitham: Shadowmaru? *opens his eyes and sits up, and gasps at the sight of the alien...*
Vorian: *glances at Mitham, then away again.*

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2014-03-31 04:51 pm UTC (link)
Maru: *holding the Vorian, firm but not hurting him at all* Are you all right, Little-Boss? What's the last thing you remember?
*Duke and McC can /somewhat/ hear the conversation as they're parked outside the cave in vehicle forms, guarding.*

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2014-03-31 05:04 pm UTC (link)
Mitham: I remember him coming out of nowhere at me before I reached the trailer. ...I tripped trying to get away. I don't remember anything after that.
Vorian: ...You hit your head. I brought you away to heal you and talk when you woke.
Mitham: *reaches up to feel the side of his head. He feels the blood there, but no wound to account for the blood...* Talk about what?
Vorian: ....................joining you.

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2014-03-31 05:21 pm UTC (link)
Maru: Join the Resistance against your own people, you mean? *just wants to be /really/ clear…*

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2014-03-31 05:26 pm UTC (link)
Vorian: Yes. What my people have done to the natives of this planet is terrible...

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2014-03-31 05:38 pm UTC (link)
Maru: …………what is your name?

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2014-03-31 05:40 pm UTC (link)
Vorian: *peeks up at Maru, seeming almost surprised to be asked* ...My name... you would not be able to pronounce. *and from the sounds he makes next...he's right.* But...you can call me Zir, if you wish.

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2014-03-31 06:14 pm UTC (link)
Maru: …..Zir. We're going to go back to the barn. We can talk more there.

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2014-03-31 06:15 pm UTC (link)
Zir: *nods* I will cause no troubles.
Mitham: *gets up, a little shaky on his feet and will head out, glad to see the other two there.*

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2014-03-31 06:20 pm UTC (link)
Maru: Mnn. *nods – not taking any chances, but won't treat Zir poorly at all . . . waits for Mitham to get safely out to Duke and McC, then will set Zir down, change back to dog form, and head back out with Zir in front of him*

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2014-03-31 06:22 pm UTC (link)
Zir: *will kind of hug himself with his overly long arms. He steps out and stops, waiting for direction as to where they want him.*
Mitham: ......This is Zir. He's coming back to the barn with us...

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2014-03-31 06:35 pm UTC (link)
McC: Understood, Boss.
Duke: Boss? *has opened his driver's side door*
Maru: *lowers his head* You're welcome to ride. We'll get back faster.

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2014-03-31 06:37 pm UTC (link)
((I take it Maru is offering his back/neck? If not then change that to him hesitantly climbing into Duke with Mitham.))

Mitham: *will climb in without hesitation* Thank you, Duke.
Zir: *glances at Maru...and will climb up if that's what it seems Maru is indicating.*

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2014-03-31 07:03 pm UTC (link)
((LOL yeah, sorry. XD))

Maru: *will get Zir to settle on his shoulders, then will lope off after the ambulance and mobile crane*
Duke: *radios ahead that they're on their way back and Mitham is fine, plus they have a /guest/ with them*
*The Braves are gathered, likely with Terris and Nicolai, to greet the others as they return.*

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2014-03-31 07:10 pm UTC (link)
Nicolai: *the look on his face is hard at the sight of Zir.*
Terris: *expression unreadable. He'll go to Duke and check on Mitham, fussing over him until he's satisfied that Mitham is okay.*
Mitham: *irritated and embarrassed that he was caught off guard and /tripped/, ending up caught....but will let Terris fuss.*

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2014-03-31 07:42 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: ………….. Duke? *since he's the senior of the group that just returned*
Duke: This is Zir. He's here because he says he wants to talk. About the Resistance.
McC: *will offer Zir a hand instead of him getting down – he won't say it but one, it keeps him from running and two, it's easier to protect /him/ should either Terris or Nicolai move to act against him without provocation*

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2014-03-31 07:47 pm UTC (link)
Zir: *glances at McC....and will step into McC's hand*
Nicolai: Talk? And yet you've hurt a child?
Zir: N-no...I did not hurt him.
Mitham: I fell. He startled me. I'm fine.
Terris: *nods his agreement of the "I'm fine" and stands to study Zir*

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2014-03-31 08:28 pm UTC (link)
Maru: He told me that he had taken Little-Boss somewhere that he could heal him and then get a chance to talk...? *looking at Terris, wondering what injury he found*

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2014-03-31 08:29 pm UTC (link)
Terris: ...*nods* There's no wound. Blood from one, but no wound remaining.
Zir: Don't want trouble. Want to help.

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2014-03-31 08:35 pm UTC (link)
PJ: Help what? Bring us back down?
McC: *frowns at him* Power Joe. *to Zir* Who knows that you're here? And that we are?

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2014-03-31 08:40 pm UTC (link)
Zir: None that I know of. I was just traveling. I disagree with my people and was to be executed. I escaped and have been alone for the measure of three months on this planet.

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2014-03-31 08:57 pm UTC (link)
*The Braves…don't really know how to judge the truth of that, as they don't really know enough of things . . . and making judgments was never their call anyway, they just arrested/escorted people and others decided what to do with them… they look to Terris and Nicolai*

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2014-03-31 09:10 pm UTC (link)
*Terris and Nicolai will question Zir for the next hour. Nicolai starts this time rather harsh, though he never makes a move to draw his weapon, and as things go on he'll start to soften. Terris remains neutral throughout, also never reaching for a weapon. Zir... had become friends with a human girl, his "voice". Her name was Lira. As he became more attached to her the more he hated what his people were doing to Earth and the humans here. When he tried bringing his concerns to his mentor he found himself arrested, and Lira killed. He was accused of treason and was to be executed. He escaped, and has been on the run, at first from other Vorian, but then from Humans as well. The last time he escaped capture the police captain said that leaving Zir to be killed by the humans he'd come to care about would be a fitting end, that so long as he never entered a city again he would not be hunted by his own again. It's...it's been a hard three months. He can't blame the humans he's come across for being afraid or hostile towards him, but then he saw the robots, and saw the boy, and children are easier to talk to than adults, so...so he was going to try to talk to Mitham, see if the boy was part of the Resistance, and see if he could...perhaps join them... By the end of the hour Zir's throat sounds raw, the words even more grating than before. It really /is/ hard to speak human languages, it's why they....use humans as their voices here.*

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2014-03-31 09:35 pm UTC (link)
*It's not their place to speak, really, so none of the Braves will participate in the interrogation, at least not unless invited to. If they are, they'll add questions of their own – mostly Deckard, Duke, and McCrane.*
McC: *once the interrogation seems to be wrapped up, he'll comment quietly…kind of to himself, but also directed at Terris and Nicolai (in case any further push might be needed)* The story's not so different from Earth history already tells over and over. How many times has one country or one group of humans overtaken another's lands and enslaved its people, and then individuals of the conquering group begin to side with those they've conquered. We Brave Police have already proven that one doesn't have to be human to be able to display "human" emotions and thought patterns, including attachments and opinions.

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2014-03-31 09:42 pm UTC (link)
Terris: *nods* I believe him. Making him part of the Resistance will be challenging, though. There are those that will wish him dead because of what he is, never caring to take the time to know who he is.
Nicolai: *nods* It will not be easy. *has gotten some water and will bring it to Zir.... it's the first time either man has gotten within reach of him*
Zir: *looks up (he's sitting) and accepts the cup, starting to speak*
Nicolai: Don't speak, it's clear you've overworked your throat already. Just drink.
Zir: *gives a grateful nod and will drink*
Mitham: ...Maybe people will more readily accept him if he shows up with the Brave Police? So many have hoped to have the Brave Police back, it might help...

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2014-03-31 10:03 pm UTC (link)
Deckard: *nods* I think there is no one better to speak for him than us. We spent our entire existence before the Vorians came wanting to be accepted for /who/ we are in spite of what we are. Nicolai, you might remember some of that. We're not human any more than Zir is. Why would the Resistance accept us and not him, if they are basing their judgment based on reputation? *he knows the answer – it's a rhetorical question*
*Solemn, remembering that argument all too well, the other Braves nod agreement.*

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2014-03-31 10:10 pm UTC (link)
Nicolai: I remember... *to the last he...snorts* It many ways the acceptance you'll receive now is based on both who and /what/ you are. The Vorian government hates that we had technology, you represent everything they hate about us, everything they took from us.
Zir: ...It's because they can't control you.

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2014-03-31 10:16 pm UTC (link)
GM: */snorts/ as well* In other words, we /still/ won't necessarily be taken for /people/, just useful weapons all over again, is that it?
Deckard: *quietly* Gunmax…
GM: /What/?
PJ: *low growl* You know he's right, Deckard.
Deckard: *an old hurt crosses his optics – the same one that's on /all/ their faces for a moment – but he just shakes his head* Be that as it may, guys, that doesn't change what we know we have to do. We have our duty to uphold.
Team: ………… *nodding with various degrees of reluctance – they know he's right, and they /will/…it just…still hurts*

((Heh...reactions from Terris or Mitham? Or Zir? Nicolai would at least /somewhat/ know all this, even if he never really saw/heard it directly.))

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2014-03-31 10:27 pm UTC (link)
Nicolai: ...It won't be that way for everyone...I'm sorry it will be that way at all.
Mitham: */shaking/ he's so mad for their sakes. He looks like he'd punch the wall if he thought it would help.*
Terris: You'll find many more now, than ever before, who will see you as the people you are.

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