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м j f ([info]catwhisperer) wrote,
@ 2013-06-12 23:43:00

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Inexpensive places to live in London? Do they exist? If anyone knows anything about that... I would be grateful.

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2013-06-13 10:22 pm UTC (link)

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2013-06-13 11:59 pm UTC (link)

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2013-06-14 12:03 am UTC (link)
I think I could get you a job in my department! If you'd want it, which I understand if you don't, but I mean there's an opening!

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2013-06-14 12:10 am UTC (link)

Really? What's the job? Doing what?

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2013-06-14 12:13 am UTC (link)
WELL Well, right now it's a lot of office work, you know like filing and filling out reports, but the last guy just got a promotion to the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau!

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2013-06-14 12:45 am UTC (link)
DRAGONS that sounds--- really promising please help me become employed again.

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2013-06-15 10:32 pm UTC (link)
I don't want you to hate me! I feel like all of this is my fault!

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