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dragondancer515 ([info]dragondancer515) wrote,
@ 2014-04-22 08:19:00

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Zero: Doing things to make you happy? That's never a trouble.

TC: ....*a little sheepish* Sir...I'm not in pain one way or another, I'm in a home I can feel safe in, with a master who treats me like a person, not just a possession. I'm already happier than I've been in a very long time.

Zero: *smiles* I'm glad you're happy here. .....C'mon. *will head out to get fuel.*

TC: *still /very/ subdued, but the faint grin grows a bit* I would be a blind fool not to be, sir. *follows*

Zero: *after fuel he'll head out with TC* I hope you enjoy today. *has a grin on his face*

TC: .....I'm sure I will. May I ask where we're going?

Zero: *sly grin* Since you don't know what you'd like to do, you'll just have to be surprised. We can fly there if you want, though.

TC: I think that can be arranged, sir.

Zero: *grins and puts himself into position to be carried.*

TC: *wraps his arms around Zero and they take off*

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2014-04-22 12:52 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *will direct TC to a building downtown. It's a day spa.*

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2014-04-22 12:57 pm UTC (link)
TC: *lands…and looks uncomfortable, this is the kind of place he /knows/ he's not allowed or welcome…*

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2014-04-22 01:23 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *rests a hand on TC's arm* It's okay. No one will treat you badly here.

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2014-04-22 01:34 pm UTC (link)
TC: Am I even /allowed/ in there?

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2014-04-22 02:10 pm UTC (link)
Zero: Yes. You're as allowed as I say you are, and since I'm bringing you, you're allowed.

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2014-04-22 02:25 pm UTC (link)
TC: …yes, sir. *still half-expecting to be glared "down" at if not outright denied entrance at first sight of his collar, but…he'll trust Zero and follow him in, a step behind as proper*

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2014-04-22 02:29 pm UTC (link)
*Tge receptionist is friendly, and when Zero makes his wishes clear no one seems to have a problem with it. TC will be treated no differently than Zero is, and if TC "dares" to question any they'll say it's not unusual for a some slave owners to reward their slaves in this way. No one will every donornsay anything to make TC feel like a slave, or that he's less in any way. And he'll never be out of Zero's sight.*

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And back =3
2014-04-22 02:50 pm UTC (link)
TC: *it…still takes him a while to really relax – attention is "always" negative so he prefers when people /don't/ pay him any – but with some coaxing, he…/will/ finally start to really enjoy himself, although yes he does keep checking frequently to make sure that Zero is still there and that he's all right*

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2014-04-22 02:53 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *keeping an optic on him, smiling every time he see TC look his way. When they're done and back outside.* Did you enjoy?

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2014-04-22 02:56 pm UTC (link)
TC: Yes, sir. Very much, thank you. Did you?

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2014-04-22 02:58 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *nods, smiling* I did. ....Ever been tonthe Crystal Fields?

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2014-04-22 03:06 pm UTC (link)
TC: *optics brighten a bit and he shakes his head* I've heard of them. */wants/ to go…but bit of a frown* First…you were going to meet with that officer about…about yesterday? Give him your statement?

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2014-04-22 03:07 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *nods* Yes, and then we'll go to the Crystal Fields. Fly us to the precinct? *grin*

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2014-04-22 03:13 pm UTC (link)
TC: Yes, sir. *gets a hold of Zero and takes off*

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2014-04-22 03:22 pm UTC (link)
*They land at the station and head in, Zero asking to meet with Captain Turboslide. They're taken back to his office*
Turbo: *looks up as the come in* Welcome. Please have a seat.

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2014-04-22 03:36 pm UTC (link)
TC: *is /rigid/ and on guard, head down but covertly watching /everything/ around him, has /yet/ to come to a police station, or deal with police at /all/, that it's not gone /very/ badly for him . . . silently takes up his place at Zero's shoulder as Zero settles in the chair*

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2014-04-22 03:39 pm UTC (link)
Turbo: *studies TC a moment* I can see why he wanted to be returned to you.
Zero: *nods* No one deserves what was being done to him, Captain. I'd not own him at all if I could change things, but since I can't, keeping him is the best I can do.
Turbo: ...You're a good mech. *ventures* You may take a seat as well, Thundercracker, if you want to.
Zero: *will give him a smile and a nod if TC looks to him for permission.*

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2014-04-22 04:03 pm UTC (link)
TC: *hesitates, /does/ make sure it's all right with Zero first (figures so, but still)* Thank you, sir. *settles in the other chair*

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2014-04-22 04:26 pm UTC (link)
*Turbo a d Zero will talk for the next hour. Zero will tell his story, Turbo will ask questions....Zero will even mention the mech who he'd assumed to be a pickpocket. When all is done Turbo promises Oil will face the full extent of the law.*
Zero: I am not one to be harsh, Captain, but for this I want that fragger to pay.

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2014-04-22 04:29 pm UTC (link)
TC: *silent throughout unless directly questioned, but if asked, he'll explain that he knows the mech well, has been loaned to him several times, and has been trying for /vorns/ to get his hands on him permanently, not at all surprised that he finally tried something like this, and . . . try though he might, he can't keep the suppressed /horror/ from his tone or his optics as he talks about the mech*

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2014-04-22 04:46 pm UTC (link)
Turbo: *will ask TC about Oil...* *nods* I'll do all I can. You have my word. Thabk you for coming in, if there's nothing else, then I wish you both a good rest of the day.

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2014-04-22 04:49 pm UTC (link)
TC: *nods and stands, offering a hand to Zero*

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2014-04-22 05:16 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *gives him a lopsided grin and accepts the hand up.* You have a good day, Captain.
Turbo: *nods* You two as well.
Zero: We certainly will. *he'll lead the way out and takes his position to be picked ip for flight.* Lets go see those Crystal Fields.

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2014-04-22 05:54 pm UTC (link)
TC: *gives Turbo a small bow before following Zero out . . . with a small grin, he'll get hold of Zero and they'll take off*

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2014-04-22 06:12 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *sees that small grin, and os glad to have brought it out of TC. When they get there he' just have TC y over the fields for a while, periodically checking to make sure TC isn't getting too tired.*

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2014-04-22 06:33 pm UTC (link)
TC: *Zero /will/ have to check on him because he won't say anything, just keep pushing himself…but he /is/ enjoying the view very much!*

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2014-04-22 06:37 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *will spot what looks like a nice and rather private spot. He'll point it out for TC to land.*

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2014-04-22 06:55 pm UTC (link)
TC: *does so, touching down easily*

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2014-04-22 07:10 pm UTC (link)
Zero: *moves to the edge of the cliff they're on and looks out.* It's beautiful, isn't it?

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2014-04-22 07:38 pm UTC (link)
TC: *just…just /gazes/ for a moment, voice quiet when he finally speaks* It's amazing.

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2014-04-22 07:43 pm UTC (link)
Zero: There are some neat cave formations around here, but I've a feeling you'd not really beinterested in going in those, eh?

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2014-04-22 08:14 pm UTC (link)
TC: If . . . they're not too small, I suppose. Maybe go in a little, if…if that's all right. *he doesn't want to disappoint Zero*

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2014-04-22 08:15 pm UTC (link)
Zero: Only if you want to. I've seen them, so don't worry abou disappointing me.

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2014-04-22 08:45 pm UTC (link)
TC: ……….either way. *he /is/ curious, but he's not crazy about the idea of going underground*

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