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Jackie ♥ ([info]coloring) wrote,
@ 2012-03-28 11:03:00

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.008 - Favorite So Far
My favorite artists so far having changed since the beginning of the course much.

My first is still Edvard Munch for how beautifully weird his work is. He's so strange and his paintings are just something I've loved and grew up with. There isn't much else to say, really. My favorite painting of his still being Scream and it's something I'd love to see in person one day.

The second is still Vincent Van Gogh, who is only more of a favorite of mine after getting a better look at his beautiful paintings. His use of color, the swirls, ... I've already talked about how much I love it but let me mention something else that added into how much I'm in love with this. Not only his paintings but the artist himself became fascinated to me.

There's actually an episode of the newer Doctor Who called Vincent and The Doctor that I accidentally caught on the BBC channel. I don't even watch Doctor who but I had to stop when I realized who they meant by 'Vincent.' I won't spoil it here because I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend watching it for the pure beauty of it. Some shots are shown above. There's one scene where they take him and he realizes his own greatness and it was quite a tearjerker.

And lastly, of course. I still love Salvador Dali for his surreal worlds he creates.

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