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sirius ([info]misterpadfoot) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-09-28 06:32:00

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Entry tags:padfoot, patronus, prongs

patronus to james potter;
What do you think of "volunteering" to help Mrs. Jugson with her packing? Place some going away and other sorts of presents? Maybe a few listening devices? Think we could get Em to do it?

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2009-09-28 02:54 pm UTC (link)
Why should we volunteer? Their house is a zoo, Padfoot would be welcome company for the day, I think.

And I don't talk to Vance, she spits venom.

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2009-09-28 02:56 pm UTC (link)
To keep tabs on a known Death Muncher? Throw in some listening devices and some pranks.

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2009-09-28 03:27 pm UTC (link)
Pardon me, Patronuses don't seem to capture my unique sound as well as I thought. I'm figuring that if the two of us volunteered, known buddies of Frank Longbottom, Jugson wouldn't allow it and if we somehow managed it, he'd be hounding down our necks the entire time.

BUT if you get in there as Padfoot, they wouldn't think twice about a dog disappearing through the halls of their house, and sniffing through boxes, etcetera, etcetera.

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2009-09-28 08:06 pm UTC (link)
Good idea, Prongs.

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