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Casey Flynn ([info]bornlucky) wrote,
@ 2010-12-05 23:25:00

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Maggie Conway

Bethany Joy Galeotti

Name: Maggie Conway

PB: Bethany Joy Galeotti

History: Maggie is a childhood friend and former girlfriend of Casey Flynn. Maggie grew up in the same village that Casey did and her family has been living in the area for centuries. She was a tomboy growing up and often got involved with the misadventures that Casey and his male friends got into. Casey and her where often very close as they got older they tried dating for a while but they felt the relationship wasn’t going anywhere so the broke up and stayed good friends. Maggie was one of the few people that could resist Casey’s charm. She is still a bit of a tomboy and likes hanging out with guys more than girls though would never saw no to one of Molly’s haircuts.

Abilities: Maggie has a magical resistance which means any type of magic used on her is only half as effective as it was intended to be.

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