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◘ я j f ◘ ([info]ralphed) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-04-18 15:19:00

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Entry tags:ralph frobisher, walden macnair

Ralph's logical side had shut off and closed down for nearing two weeks now. And, within that time, he had been thinking about... well, a lot of things. Ninety percent of them had been centered around Miranda in one way or another, while the rest of the time had been devoted to thinking how he could make Walden MacNair pay for what he did. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), it was obvious that he would never be a conniving kind of person able to plot in that kind of way. So, it only left Ralph with two options: just let it go and unchecked like he always had, or actually react to what happened.

Very quickly, deciding to finally react was the only way he could deal with what happened. It was stupid and reckless, no doubt an act he would regret later in life but --- this attack on Miranda could not be ignored. Ralph couldn't let it go like he usually would, because this wasn't a usual attack like so many before had been. Walden so obviously wanted to attract his attention, so, fine here he was.

It hadn't taken long for him to figure out where MacNair lived, and Ralph traveled there with surprising speed and calmness. He hadn't told Miranda where he was going when he had left, and honestly, he had no intention of ever telling her if he could. Clutching his wand tightly under his coat, Ralph's other hand reached up to bang loudly on the front door.

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2010-04-18 08:18 pm UTC (link)
Walden honestly couldn't say that he felt bad for what he'd done to Miranda. He'd tried to make it clear to her that it wasn't anything that he had against her, and that it was just business.

That wasn't true, of course, but he didn't inherently hate the girl. It was Ralph that he had problems with, and it had become increasingly apparent in the past few months that his last little scare hadn't been enough to get things through Ralph's stubborn head and into his tiny brain.

He'd been beginning to think that Ralph was never going to show up at his door, righteously angry about whatever harm had ultimately come to his precious little woman. Walden was surprised to see the other man on the other side of his door through the peep-hole he glanced through briefly out of habit (becoming a Death Eater made a man extremely paranoid, after all), but he wasn't terribly perturbed.

A fight was always ... fun, after all. Walden clutched his own wand tightly in his lead hand and with his off-hand picked up the nearest whacking-object -- in this case, the umbrella on the hat rack -- before he opened the door ... and greeted Ralph with a wide-sweeping forward swing of it.

Ralph hadn't come here to talk, anyway. No need to hash out petty formalities that neither of them wanted to go through. It was the middle of the day, so there weren't many people out. He wasn't concerned about anyone interrupting them.

Besides, this way he wouldn't have to clean up inside.

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2010-04-19 01:25 am UTC (link)
For some odd reason, Ralph had been under the impression that Walden wouldn't immediately start attacking him in broad daylight upon opening the front door. But, the large bruise that was no doubt already starting to form on his side begged to differ. All of the air escaping him, Ralph crumbled to the floor after impact, his back hitting the floor first and leaving his front side exposed.

Taking deep gasps of air, Ralph glared up at the looming body. Walden was shifting to approach him, and Ralph saw the other man raise his arm to strike again. Before there was enough time for that to happen (an umbrella?), Ralph semi-kicked himself away as he slashed his wand hand outward directly at Walden. A half whispered, half gutted Hurling Hex escaped his lips, hoping that it would hit Walden straight in the chest and throw him back to the farthest wall.

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2010-04-19 01:49 am UTC (link)
Ralph really had to learn that he was dealing with Death Eaters, here. That meant that he was going to have to learn to fight dirty, too.

Apparently he was learning fast, though, because the Hurling Hex hit him squarely in the chest. He scowled, slamming back against the wall and letting out a hard grunt of air. It took him a few moments, but he managed to push himself to his feet.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to come, you know. I'd have made a cake ... but, you know. You didn't call ahead." Although with the way that he'd knocked on the door, he might as well have.

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2010-04-19 02:24 am UTC (link)
Ralph slipped back to the ground, taking a few moments to catch his breath once he heard Walden hit the opposite wall. For a few moments, the both of them stayed where they were. Ralph simply stared at the ceiling, breathing in an attempt to calm himself. But as quickly as that trance came, it just as quickly was broken once the sound of Walden beginning to move. His body too jolted into action, scrambling itself to his feet as quickly as possible.

Choosing to leave the door open, Ralph quickly rushed into the apartment, ignoring the fact that he never thought he would have lived to actually see it. Something of a snarl escaped him at Walden's words, and very suddenly, the anger that had engulfed him just about a week and a half ago returned with new power.

"I'm here now," Ralph snapped, raising his wand high "Surprised to see me alive? I can only imagine how pissed your Death Eater superiors must have been when they found out you failed a year-old mission." As he spoke, he began to move around the room, never taking a moment to stand still. At least one of the things Frank had taught him over the past few months.

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2010-04-19 02:31 am UTC (link)
"Oh, I imagine they were simply glad that you were idiotic enough to show your face again. And I get the pleasure of watching you die this time." Since apparently he was too fucking stubborn to just die like he was supposed to.

And now they were headed into the apartment. Well, that was just great - he was going to have such the mess to clean up later. But for now ... well, he made sure to move step-for-step with Ralph, brow arched.

"And again, I doubt they'd be more pissed off than you were when you heard that your little girl wasn't going to be making it." He half-grinned at Ralph. Yes, he was definitely going to enjoy tormenting him. This was a deeply personal fight, so he assumed their little wand-tiff wouldn't last long. Walden raised his own wand to the ready.

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2010-04-19 11:32 pm UTC (link)
So much rage filled Ralph at once that he couldn't control himself. A kind of white fire began to burn within him, and his body began to shake as it seemed he grew taller and larger by the second. There were no--- words--- to describe what he was truly thinking or how he truly felt: all that was present was wrath, such an anger he had never felt an emotion could go to this much of an extreme before. It was overpowering, having been subdued for so long and finally let loose at Walden's words.

Ralph wanted nothing more than to hurt Walden, he wanted to fucking kill him with his bare hands for what he had done. Kill him in a way that made him suffer, so that the other man's last minutes on Earth were thoughts of pain and suffering. Pure pain, regret and suffering because that was all he deserved.

The next few moments felt like an out of body experience. Ralph felt his jaw move open and a loud inhuman noise slip from the back of his throat, but there was no control behind it. His legs moved, and his arms moved but and some-- light jetted out from his wand but-- it was almost as if he had become a puppet and before any he knew it, he was upon of Walden, attempting to punch at his face with his hand tightly locked around his wand.

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