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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2008-04-05 01:42:00

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Entry tags:erin, flavors, writings


erin kirke
f l a v o r s
06. Crying

She'd been fine, she'd been fine not even five minutes ago---she'd been ecstatic, actually, because she felt the baby kick for the first time! She'd felt him kick and that meant he was real, and this was actually happening, and what did she do? What did she do first instead of shrieking for Rafe to come and try to feel, even though she knew he probably couldn't? Erin threw open her journal to tell her sister first, she opened her journal to tell Deidra that her baby had kicked for the first time, and she'd just finished the wards on the journal page before she remembered that her sister was dead.

How could she have---she'd forgotten Deidra was dead? She'd forgotten? Erin dropped her quill to the journal, hands up as if it had just burnt her. How could she have done something so---so---her eyes welled up with tears and she sniffled loudly, putting her hands to her mouth as she stared down at the open book.

[Deidra!!!] GUESS WHAT-----

So natural, it was so bloody natural to run to her sister when exciting things like this happened, and Erin was trying so hard to catch a breath in her constricted chest that she was creating a suction with her hands, it---it wasn't fair, they'd already taken Deidra from her, and now---now her own mind was playing these cruel, cruel jokes? She'd already tortured herself with thoughts of her sister never meeting her son, of Milo never playing with his cousin, but Erin had thought she'd---she thought she'd accepted it, but the tears that were threatening to erupt from her eyes, the way that she could hear her heart pounding through her chest, the way she could barely push herself up to stand---

"Erin? Erin---Erin, what's wrong, are you---"

She couldn't see Rafe as his arms went around her and tugged her out of the seat, but Erin's legs crumpled underneath her, dragging him down to the floor with her. She couldn't find the words, she couldn't find the air to breathe she was crying so hard, and Erin just clung to her husband because it's all she could manage to do.
08. First Crush

Erin squinted her eyes in the noon sun, wondering how on earth Rafe had dragged her out onto the quidditch pitch during her one free block. Oh. She knew how. It was because she fancied him.

A whoooooole lot.

It wasn't a new kind of fancy where everything he did was perfect and she was tripping on her feet at the sight of him, no no. It was the kind of fancy that had been simmering for years, probably since third year when he let Will ride his broom one day after classes, that's when she'd started to fancy him, fancy him. They were sixth years now, so it was a good three years that this had been developing, and Erin knew that he'd kissed other girls, and she'd kissed other boys, but they'd never really had a chance to do much else than be friends. Friends that smiled at each other a lot. A whole lot.

Sometimes her cheeks hurt from smiling at him for so long across the Great Hall.

Bertha swore that he fancied her, too, but Erin had a hard time believing the girl because she seemed to spew a different story about everything and anything on a daily basis. It could be true, Rafe was awfully nice to her...but he was awfully nice to everyone. He was just a nice person! Sometimes Erin was sure that he fancied her, though, because he'd always wait for her by the corner of the Transfiguration courtyard to walk with her to class...but that could be because she walked with Ian, and he and Ian were friends because of quidditch.

At any rate, Rafe didn't have a girlfriend, and she didn't have a boyfriend, but Erin wanted to be sure that he fancied her before mucking it up and asking him to Hogsmeade or something because how silly would it be that after three years it turned out that he was just a nice bloke and didn't fancy her in the slightest. That would really suck, it would really really suck, and---

"Will you fly with me?"

Erin jolted out of her reverie at the question, eyes widening a bit, even though they squinted immediately because of the sun. Rafe was already on his broomstick, hand out for Erin to take. This...was not what she'd been expecting. Not that she'd really expected much, but---maybe to listen to some of the plays he came up with or...or...no, no, she really hadn't a clue as to what she'd gone out here for, but she grinned and took his hand, accepting his help onto the broom graciously.

Rafe's arms went around her middle to grip the handle of the broom and Erin flushed greatly as his chin rested on her shoulder. She was about to make a somewhat serious threat that he better pay great attention to her not falling and killing herself as they took off, but he kissed her cheek before the words could come out (or they did, but just ended up as a strained sort of sigh).

Okay. So maybe he did fancy her fancy her like she did him.
10. Innocent

"Alan, what's that on your arm?"

Erin peered into the brother's room from the doorway, head tilted nearly to her shoulder in question. She'd seen an odd marking on her brother's left arm, and her ten-year-old brain could only jump to the conclusion that he'd gotten a tatoo. Mum would absolutely kill him, she would! Erin grinned and hurried into the room, not noticing that Alan had jumped up and away from the bed, throwing down the sleeves of his cloak quickly.

"None of your business!" he snapped, pushing her away a bit harder than he usually did. Erin was sure he was her least favorite of everyone, even Will. She didn't know why, she was always nice to him! It was just so strange--Bree was his absolute favorite, he protected Caitlin from the boys at school, Deidra made him laugh, and Will was the boy he could wrestle with. So what was Erin? Just the other girl he had to watch when their parents went out.

"Let me see," she whined, tugging on his sleeve, "I promise I won't tell! I promise! I promise Alan, I promise! I promise!"

"Will you stop!" Alan roared, swinging his arm greatly, the force sending Erin stumbling back and into his dresser. Her elbow hit the corner sharply, and she let out a cry of pain.

"Alan!" Erin whimpered, pulling her elbow up and wincing at the blood. He'd hurt her! He'd actually--She looked back over to her brother, eyes full of tears as she waited for an apology. How could he do that to her! She watched her brother stand, watching her with confused eyes, before he dropped back down onto the bed.

"If I tell you a secret, will you stop crying?"


Erin wiped at her face with her uninjured arm and nodded, not hesitating in shutting the door. She sniffled as she came forward and Alan helped her sit on the bed, taking one of his shirts and pressing it to her cut. He watched his hands put pressure on her elbow, ignoring Erin's hisses at the pain it was creating, and then he motioned for her to take the now bloody fabric. Erin followed his instructions diligently, nearly bursting with excitement at the prospect of hearing a secret. She watched as her brother rolled up his sleeve, and she examined the (she knew it!) tattoo.

"What is that, a snake? In a--skull? That's an ugly tattoo, Alan."

"It means I'm going to have to do some bad things, Erin," he explained, covering his arm once again. Erin looked up, confused, but there was a thundering up the stairs that indicated the others were back from swimming in the pond. Will burst into the room, soaking wet,


He threw his wet towel at her and she chucked it to the ground before rushing out to ask Caitlin if she'd seen Robbie by the pool, the boy who had been flirting with her last time. Her mind was completely over her little tiff with Alan, even forgetting the design of the tattoo; all Erin could recall was that she was his secret keeper, and that meant she was something special.
12. Baby

Merlin, it was hard being pregnant. Erin pushed her hands to the small of her back, stomach pushed out as much as it could be without her tipping over. Luciana stood beside her, attempting to mimic her pose, but grew bored and walked across the living room to her doll house. Erin grinned, just thinking about how her son would be walking in a year or so...if she could make it through the pregnancy, ugh. She simply could not understand how all of her sisters had done it, because they were all much whinier than she was. Erin had never had to deal with anything like this before; she was tired, achy, throwing up every five minutes, and she was basically the size of a whale.

She heard Caitlin come down the stairs, and Erin ignored her sister's loud sigh as she pushed her away from the mirror she was posing in front of.

"Would you stop?" Caitlin scolded, swatting Erin lightly in the side of the head, "You're only two months, you're not showing."

"Am too!" Erin argued, pushing Caitlin away to look back at the mirror. She turned to the side and once again struck her pose, not noticing how far bent the arch of her back was. There was definitely a belly--or a pooch. Joy had called it a pooch. Which made Erin think of a dog, but whatever, that was the word for what she had. And she definitely had it, Caitlin was just being a bitch.

Oh, that was mean, her sister wasn't a----ooh, see, see, she was having mood swings too, so not only did she have a pooch, she was also having mood swings. She was so pregnant, it wasn't even funny.

Her hands smoothed down her shirt, a tight one she'd picked out to show off her growing stomach (because it was growing), and looked over at Caitlin. Her sister had an amused expression on her face, and she shrugged.

"I don't see anything."

"Caitlin, it's there!" She turned to face her sister and with two very stiff fingers from her two very stern hands (yes, hands could be stern when your gestures were trying to prove a point) pointed at her stomach, "There is a pooch!"

"A pooch?"

"Pooch!" Luciana chirped, and Erin waved her hand at her niece, as if to say 'see'.
18. Flustered

21. First Year

Erin pouted her bottom lip at the sight of Will crying into their mother's blouse, and she looked up at her father, eyes wide.

"Are you sure I can't take him with me?" she asked.

22. Graduating

25. First Kiss

With her eyes ducked low, Erin wondered what Rafe Kirke's lips tasted like.

They'd found the most secluded corner of the Three Broomsticks to have lunch, and as her date read over the menu, Erin pondered these thoughts. She knew that he would taste good, everything about Rafe was good. His looks, his grades, his nature. He was just a good-natured person, and that meant he must taste especially sweet.

"The cheesecake looks really good," Rafe noted, looking up from the menu with a quick smile. Erin's chin nearly slid out of her hand, her elbow shifting ever so slightly on the table. She caught herself before her face planted into the wood, and she nodded, straightening up. She should be used to staring at Rafe without getting caught; she did it every day during meal time. And History. And Charms. And---

It had really taken them too long to go on a date, Erin had decided. They were halfway done with their last year at Hogwarts; who knew what was going to happen once they left school? He'd probably become a famous quidditch player and she'd never see him again. Erin mentally kicked herself for waiting so long to build up the nerve to talk to Rafe, but it was better than nothing, right?

Though, he was only probably going out today with her just to be nice. Erin swore to herself that she'd caught Rafe staring at her during class, but she always convinced herself that he was staring at Heather or...or Bertha (with her reputation, what boy wouldn't daydream?). Why would he be staring at a short, plain looking girl like her? Erin knew she got lost in the sea of her siblings, especially her much prettier sisters, but this year, she was the oldest Jugson and had hoped she'd be able to make a name for herself. It was proving hard, thuogh

The waitress came by and they decided on the cheesecake, because, how could you go wrong with cheesecake? The dessert was there a few minutes later, the restaurant nearly empty because of the snowball fights that were occurring out in the high streets of Hogsmeade.

She stared out the window at the snow fights, and as she picked at her slice of cheesecake she wondered if they should head back before the predicted storm hit. Or maybe they should stay out later, get stuck in Hogsmeade, and have to miss Charms in the morning...that could prove productive, especially if they had to be housed in the Three Broomsticks or something...oy, she was getting way too far ahead of herself, but it would be nice to have Rafe hold her in those strong arms of his. He was just so dreamy and sweet, you really couldn't find a better guy around, he was perfect--

Erin's eyes had involuntarily drifted back to her date, and to her surprise found Rafe staring at her with the same, lovestruck look that her friends and siblings swore over took her face every time she looked at him. Erin blushed deeply and pushed her hair out of her face, suddenly feeling nervous that her face was covered in chocolate.

"Do I have something on my face?" she muttered, but Rafe just pushed over around the table, looking awfully nervous, but determined at the same time.

"I was just...wondering what your lips tasted like." He was as red as a quaffle by the time he finished, but Erin had been shifting around the booth too, and by the time Rafe was done with his revelation they were centimeters apart. It felt like they were being pulled together by a summoning spell, his eyes and words just tugging her toward him and she could smell his breath and it smelled so good and---

"Here's the check!"

Erin and Rafe jumped apart as the over zealous waitress dropped the check onto the table with a loud slap. They both smiled weakly as the waitress disappeared again, and Erin felt her shoulder slump in disappointment. Well, there went the moment.

"I guess we can go risk our lives in the snow ball war," she said, turning back to Rafe with a shrug. She was answered with a kiss, and Erin's hands traveled to grip onto Rafe's. He tasted so good.

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