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Benji Sommer-Passos ([info]lockupyourgirls) wrote in [info]blueridgeau,
@ 2012-07-03 08:00:00

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Characters: Benji, Kia, and some hoodlums.
Setting: Literally right before Kia dies!
Content: NSFW.
Summary: Ben's fatal mistake, dun dun dun.

Benji was feeling particularly on top of the world as she and Kia left the Dive, fingers laced loosely together as they made their way toward the parking lot where she had left the Jeep earlier. She thought the Dive was a pretty lame bar, their music sucked and it had been open since her parents had been at Blue Ridge and that itself was ages ago. But they were also one of the few bars that never seemed to have staff members that cared about the credibility of your identification. Though Kia was recently legal, Benji herself had been slipping into the Dive on a fake ID for almost three years now, without a care in the world.

There were worse places to have a drink out there. She wasn't a particularly big drinker, most of it tasted like shit and watching her parents make asses of themselves when they drank was a pretty good reason not to be like them. But tonight felt like a celebration, she was almost done her senior year, and Kia was going to be graduating from university at the same time. They had less than a month of classes left, and that was enough of an excuse to go into town and get rowdy.

To say that Benji was proud of Kia was probably an understatement. People tried to act like Kia couldn't take care of herself, but Benji knew better, and she was thrilled at her girlfriend getting her degree finally. Her parents, all three of them, might have been proud indeed but Benji was practically beaming the whole night. She always knew that Kia could do it, and now this was proof. She would skip out on university, she was incredibly over the whole learning curve herself, and maybe she wouldn't have the best education but she would go where ever Kia wanted to go. She had already told her that a hundred times. They would get by. It was their plan from the beginning. When Kia graduated, they would move away and do whatever they wanted, with no one judging them or telling them what to do. They would start their own life, their own family.

On a good night, it was hard to keep a Sommer quiet. When one Sommer had drank as much as Benji did that night, it became ten times as hard. She had been raising her voice and horsing around all night, laughing obnoxiously and taking every chance she got to brag loudly about her girlfriend. The more she consumed, the more she began to get into people's faces with her antics, and it wasn't long before a scuffle broke out between her and another guy nearby at the bar. He had been talking big, but Benji wanted to talk bigger. It didn't take long of her mocking him before it came to blows. She made sure to get a good spit in his face, leaving him looking furious before the bouncer pulled her away, warning her that she was on her last leg of the evening. It wouldn't be the first time that she had been chucked out of a bar, and it probably wouldn't be her last. Benji didn't even let it bother her as she got back to drinking.

It was almost one in the morning by the time they were leaving, most of the noise and music from the bar had even stopped, and the parking lot was almost eerily silent, crickets chirping lazily off in the bushes somewhere. "I sure told that motherfucker, huh?" Benji asked, her words just a bit slurred as she fumbling in her shorts to her Jeep keys. "Maybe we should.. maybe we should make Tay pick us up," she suggested, giggling as she accidentally dropped her keys to the pavement. She kept her fingers linked with Kia's as she crouched down to retrieve them. "Keep an eye out for prowlers," the tall blonde joked, reaching over with her free hand to tickle Kia's side a little. They kept up their pace toward the Jeep, maybe she would get her phone from the dash and call Taylor after all. She was sort of seeing some double.

Her mind was distracted for just a moment with that thought, and that was all it took, before she realized Kia's hand was being practically torn out of her grip and her girlfriend was stumbling backwards. She turned around sharply, squinting at the guy from earlier and four of his friends. She wanted to spit on him all over again, as he stood there, holding Kia in front of him with one of her arms bent awkwardly behind her back. Benji saw red in seconds, practically growling as she stepped toward and tried to shove him away from the brunette. She was outnumbered, and younger than all of them, but it didn't seem to dampen her spirit. No one touched Kia like that, she could see the discomfort on the older girl's face as the jerk continued to twist her arm. "Buddy, you better step the fuck off!"

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2012-07-04 03:38 pm UTC (link)
It had been a stressful race to the finish for Kia, what with getting a medical degree. She still wasn't entirely done yet, there would be internships and residencies still, but she was almost done with school. Soon her and Ben could just run away together and start their lives. She couldn't think of a single soul that she would rather spend the rest of her life with. Benji was it for her, and she couldn't wait to see where the future took them.

She had been a bit skeptical about going out that night, but it had sounded like fun, and she supposed that they deserved a bit of relaxation. It was the best night of her life so far, being there with Benji, letting loose and dancing. There had been some trouble earlier, Benji had started talking shit to some guy who had been at the bar, but it had been sorted out just like every other time Benji ran her mouth.

Kia was now giggling stupidly at something Benji had whispered to her as they left and stumbling over herself. She couldn't even remember where they had parked the Jeep, or had they even driven it? She nodded quickly at Benji's suggestion to call Taylor. The older girl wouldn't be very pleased with the two of them, but she knew that Tay would get over it soon enough. She had always bailed them out when they needed it. Kia would do the same for the younger girl, she was like a sister to her. She was about to get her phone out to call Taylor for her girlfriend, when she felt herself being torn away from the younger girl.

"What the fuck?" she yelled, grimacing at the rough grasp of the man who was twisting her arm behind her back. She struggled to get loose, not wanting Benji to get into another fight where there wasn't an adult present to stop it if things got bad. "Git your fuckin' hands off of me!"

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2012-07-04 05:44 pm UTC (link)
Benji was doing her very best to appear menacing, straightening up to her full height, but most of them were still taller. They didn't seem quite as drunk either, as she struggling to keep from stumbling as she stood up tall. Why had she drank so much anyway? She was going to have a time with this fight, but she was always ready, especially after the words they had exchanged earlier. She already thought he was a smug bastard, and he wasn't helping his case.

Just watching Benji try to stand up to them and look tough, a couple of the guys were already chuckling. The one holding Kia's arm gave it another twist, leaning into her back. "Shut up, slut. Nobody talkin' to you," he muttered, just tightening his grip on her and grabbing her other arm, pulling her closer as she fought against him. She really wasn't his concern, but she was running out of time to shut the fuck up.

If someone came out and caught them, he wasn't going to be pleased. "You just go ahead and calm yourself down, or I'll do it for you," he warned her, digging his fingers roughly into the flesh of her arms to punctuate his point. It would leave bruises, at least. Benji had been weighing her options, whether or not they could get out of this unscathed, but it wasn't looking good. Hearing what he said to Kia set her off though, and she launched herself at the closest guy, catching him off guard enough to get a punch in the face, putting all of the strength she had behind it. "Son of a bitch!" she shouted, sounding a lot more shrill and weak than she wanted to.

The punch was enough to set the one guy back for a few minutes, but one of his friends was already punching her right back, and Benji was sure she felt her teeth rattling in her head at the force of it. They weren't pulling any punches because she was a girl, that was for sure, but drinking had always made her surprisingly sturdy. She was almost knocked off her feet, but she steadied herself, the taste of blood already assaulting her tongue. She spit a mouthful, and didn't have much time for more than that before they were hitting her again.

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2012-07-04 06:05 pm UTC (link)
Kia tried not to cry in pain as the man twisted her arm harder, his nails digging into her skin. She didn't want to look weak. Before Benji, she hadn't known much about fighting for herself. Sure, she had been brought up around mostly boys, but they never taught her to fight. They only protected her, and she realized now that she was horrible ill equipped to deal with this situation. It wasn't until she saw Benji get clocked in the back the head that her instincts took over.

"I thought I told you to get your fuckin' hands off of me," she growled. The wolf in her was taking over, and even though her poppa had told her not to lose control, seeing the love of her life get herself beaten to a pulp for her sent her into a frenzy. Kia whipped her head back and caught the man right in the face with the hard bone of her skull. The shock caused him to release her, and she whipped around to give him a solid kick in the groin.

"Fucking Bitch!" he groaned, sinking to the ground instantly. Kia only spat on him before charging head first into the fray to help Benji. She elbowed one right in the face, a whirlwind of nails and fists, trying to pull them off Benji. She knew they were landing a few blows of their own, but she didn't care for the moment, all that mattered as protecting her girlfriend.

"I'm commin' baby!" she yelled to Ben, sending another one of their attackers to the ground with a well place heel. She finally reached the younger girl, pulling her behind her and shielding her with her body. One of the men she hadn't sent to the ground was too quick for her and she felt his fist hit her face. She growled angrily, and swiped at his eyes, getting him to stumble backwards momentarily.

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2012-07-04 06:30 pm UTC (link)
Benji mostly just tried to keep up, even when five on two became three on two, the odds didn't feel in her favor. She got in a few good shots, but her coordination was shit, and her concentration was worse, especially as her head continued to get pummeled. She had felt like she would black out in a moment, though she still had her fists up, when Kia broke through the two that had been whaling on her while their friends were otherwise occupied.

"D-Don't!" Benji shouted back, as Kia stood in front of her. She took the moment of pause to straighten herself up, spitting another mouthful of blood. Her pride was hurting almost as bad as her head, especially in her drunken state. "Baby, don't I.. I got this, s-seriously, chill out," she murmured, close against Kia's shoulder as she stood behind her. She felt like she had a broken rib or something going on in there, and it sort of hurt to breathe. But she wasn't going to back down.

She was quickly pushing Kia behind her and stepping in front of her once the older girl was hit, and she was already hauling her fist back and laying it into the guy, knocking him back a bit. But considerably less than her first punch. She was hurt, weakened, but she couldn't do anything about that except keep swinging, which was exactly what she did. But even the guys that had been down were slowly getting back up, they were regrouping, and Benji was just getting out of breathe. "That's enough of this shit," one of them said, the one who had held Kia in the beginning. He was surprised no one had come to investigate all of the shouting, but they didn't have all night. That little bitch was going to pay for it now.

"Fuckin' try me," Benji growled, as she was delivered a swift kick, dropping her down to her knees for a moment, before she was forcing herself back up, still insisting on being in front of Kia.

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2012-07-07 06:18 pm UTC (link)
"You always protect me, Ben!" Kia insisted. Laying her fist into another one of the men's faces. She watched as Benji was kicked down to the ground, seeing red once again. She was tired of feeling helpless, tired of always watching Benji defend her and getting beaten to a pulp because of it.

She didn't register the flash of silver, or see the guy who had grabbed her reaching for her. She only saw them trying to get to Benji again, and she wasn't about to let that happen. Reacting without thinking, Kia pulled Benji behind her and whipped around to face the man face to face.

There was no pain at first, just a slight ache from impact in her chest. It was like the sight of the knife that was now protruding from her chest was disconnected from her nerves. Everyone was frozen for several moments before Kia dropped to her knees, pain finally spreading throughout her body. It burned where the tip had entered her skin. She could swear she felt her skin bubbling and burning.

Kia reached up to the handle, and gripped it, crying out in pain as she pulled it out. Her hand was covered in scarlet, and even though the blade of the knife was dyed the same color, she could tell it was silver. She let out a bitter laugh, coughing up a bit of blood with, it and looked at Benji. The group of men had quickly dispersed after Kia had fell, shouting obscenities at the two of them before getting in their cars and speeding away.

"That fuckin' hurt," she rasped, trying to stand. She almost made it to her feet before she fell again. She was feeling weak now, and she wasn't sure if it was from the alcohol or the amount of blood loss. "Didn't think they'd stab a princess."

The front of her hoodie was slowly becoming red, and Kia placed a hand over the wound, trying to put pressure on it. "Ma's gonna kill me."

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2012-07-07 06:58 pm UTC (link)
Everything happened so fast, and Benji was already so dazed, she didn't register what was happening until their assailants were scattering and Kia was dropping to her knees. Benji herself was on her knees again, blood still running out of her own mouth, and one of her eyes practically swollen shut. But even so, she could see the blood, seeping over the pink fabric right before her in her blurred vision. She could see drops hitting the pavement, reflecting in the streetlight above them. She swore she could hear it, drip-dropping to the ground.

"K-Kia?" Benji finally managed to get out, trying to unfreeze her muscles which were rigid with the unfamiliar sensation of panic. It was foreign to Benji, who was shaken by almost nothing. This was shaking her though, this was bad. "Baby?" she repeated, feeling her chest starting to rise and fall rapidly, panic taking a tighter hold on her as Kia fell again when she tried to stand. Benji freed herself, scrambling across the asphalt on her hands and knees despite the pain in her own body, crawling up beside the older girl.

She had never considered herself smart, no one seemed to think she was, but it didn't take a genius to see how bad this was. She didn't need Kia's medical degree to know that this was abysmal. She held her breath, waiting for her girlfriend to heal up, to recover, like she always did. Kia was supposed to be incredibly resilient. But it wasn't happening. Benji had no idea what to do, just pulling the older girl close against the front of her body, getting more blood over the front of her shirt as she held onto her.

"Y-You're okay, you're okay, baby. We're gonna call T-Taylor, okay? I'm gonna get her, she'll-- she'll be h-here in two seconds, baby?" she blurted out, needing to say something, fumbling around for her phone, feeling the pockets of her shots and finding nothing. She had no idea where it was, and time was running out, she felt fairly sure. Kia wasn't looking good, and putting pressure on it didn't seem to be working. She could see it seeping from between the brunette's fingers, and the sight of it made the first tears spring into her eyes, welling up and spilling down her cheeks.

"You're okay," she whispered again, trying to breathe deep and stay calm. She had to stay calm, she was the only one here.

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2012-07-09 09:01 pm UTC (link)
Kia knew that there was no way this was going to be okay. She could feel herself getting tired, things were beginning to slow down now. Despite Benji holding her close, she felt as if she was moving away. She just wanted to close her eyes for a second. Sleeping sounded so nice right now, her body felt so heavy. She fought to keep her eyes open as Benji searched her pockets for her phone. She didn’t know how much blood she had lost now, but judging by her slipping consciousness, she knew she didn’t have long. Who knew majoring in being a mediwitch would allow her to calculate her own death in the end?

Reaching up to cup Benji’s face with the hand she had been pressing against her chest, she ran her thumb softly across the younger girl’s cheek. She was so beautiful. “Ben, it’s okay,” she said softly. She smiled calmly up at the blonde, memorizing her face as much as she could. “I promise, it’ll be okay.”

She coughed again, spitting up another mouthful of blood. It was getting harder to breath and Kia struggled to take in enough air to keep talking. “You have to promise me some things, okay baby?” Kia let her hand drop, the effort of holding it up had become too much. “K-keep fightin’, keep outta trouble and don’t throw your life away. Got it?”

“I-I love you, Ben,” she whispered. Things were beginning to get blurry around the edges and Kia felt cold. She couldn’t hang on any longer. “Don’t forget me.”

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2012-07-09 09:44 pm UTC (link)
Benji's face fell as soon as Kia touched her cheek, the blood felt still so warm against her skin, and she felt her lips beginning to tremble as her girlfriend stared up at her. This wasn't right, it wasn't supposed to happen like this. These sort of things happened to someone else, not to Benji herself. "N-No, I'll get Tay," she insisted, whimpering as Kia spit up more blood. That definitely was not a good sign, and Benji realized that her heart was racing terribly.

She let the older girl's head drop against her shoulder, scooting her up in her arms, holding her up more but also holding her tighter. "I d-don't promise, I don't 'c-cos you always keep me outta trouble, right? An' I couldn't.. I couldn't fight b-by myself," she mumbled, more tears spilling down her face as she tried to breathe calmly.

"I love you, Kia. D-Don't be silly," she whispered back, struggling to not scream or something as the older girl just became more and more limp in her arms. "I don't r-remember anything else."

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2012-07-10 12:36 am UTC (link)
"D-don't cry Ben," she said. She gripped the front of Benji's shirt gently and gave it a reassuring tug. "O-of course I'll always keep you outta trouble. I always be with you, baby, okay?"

A few of Benji's tears fell onto Kia's face, and she wished she had enough energy to reach up and wipe them away. "T-take care of yourself, Booger," she instructed. "The princess demands it." She wanted to wink, to try and cheer Benji up with a joke, but she couldn't find the energy to do so. Instead, she snuggled her face into Benji's stomach and closed her eyes. She let herself be washed away in the exhaustion that she felt. Sleep would be such a welcomed relief.

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2012-07-10 12:53 am UTC (link)
"I c-could never disappoint a princess," Benji assured her, hating the way her voice cracked as she tried to get it out. She knew that she had messed up big this time, she had brought them here, had caused all of this, and now Kia was leaving her. She hadn't been fast enough to get help, and now everything was spiraling out of control. She still felt partially paralyzed by panic.

She waited a few seconds, holding her breath, waiting for Kia to banter back, say something else, but it never came. Benji was sure that she was going to lose her mind, that she was already losing her mind. What was she supposed to do? She kept holding onto Kia, but Kia wasn't holding back. She just laid there, and Benji felt more tears falling down her face.

"I'm sorry, b-baby, I'm sorry," the blonde whimpered, pulling Kia closer to her body, and letting herself fall onto her side, still holding onto her. She felt so weak already, sore and beaten down, she could still taste blood and she was broken all over, and now she was alone. Possibly alone forever. Benji laid on her side, curling up, keeping Kia with her. She didn't have the energy to do anything else. She was gone, and Benji couldn't do anything to help her. She just wanted to stay with her, her last chance to do so.

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