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adavies ([info]adavies) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2011-11-18 22:16:00

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Entry tags:allyson davies, arcturus macmillan

Who: Allyson Davies and Archie MacMillin
What: Store Inpection!
Where: Boogaloo
When: Backdated to Oct. 29th >>
Status: Finishing in comments

Allyson stood behind the counter trying her best not too look as agitated as she felt at that moment. Every time she heard the bell ring over the door she expected to see the grumpy old ministry worker (well, that’s how she imagined him to be anyways) walking in. They’ll send you a date a week and a half in advance to get you all worried and concerned, but merlin forbid they include a time in which they would be gracing your presence. Oh no, that part was a surprise.

She glared at the notice that she had behind the counter. Improper use of magic. What a joke. This was a music store. She picked up records that needed to be put back in their proper place with a huff.

She was just making her way down the muggle side of the store when the door chimed again and Ally nearly dropped them all when she looked up to see who had walked in. She put them on the nearest flat surface and turned away from the door quickly. Merlin, she was blushing. What on earth was Archie MacMillian doing here today of all days. Or any day of the week. Ever. The last time she saw him was right before he graduated and she was practically still in love with him.

Oh this was just terrible. Maybe if she just made herself look busy, and he didn’t see anything he liked, he would just go away.

Archie just detested on-site inspections. The people were always glowering and bad-tempered and so eager to make him the villain when they were the ones breaking all sorts of laws! It was spelled out in very clear, direct language what constituted appropriate magical use, particularly in areas outside of Wizarding London or other purely magical populations. If proprietors could not find it in themselves to keep their businesses in check, well! Then they deserved to be investigated and reprimanded. At the very least (love you with all his heart, Isobel).

Boogaloo quite plainly mystified him, in the research he'd done prior to his visit. In truth, he was surprised they had not been issued a warning prior to this. Shrugging to himself, he found the cyan corner shop with ease, noting at least the bell mechanism above the door was Muggle. Scanning the shelves, he found half the titles absolutely bewildering to him (save for one Swedish group he was convinced must be magical), and half of it mostly familiar. Interesting. He scribbled a note to himself in a notebook with a fountain pen, as explaining a self-dictating quill furiously scrawling on a suspended roll of parchment tended to invoke many questions from Muggle passers-by, as the Ministry had discovered earlier.

"Pardon me," he called to the woman (witch?, he wondered. See! Do you see where all this trouble led to?) whose back was turned to him. "Pardon me miss, are you the owner?

Ally had just put the last of the records away, leaving herself with nothing left to pretend to be busy with when he approached her. She turned, unable to just outright ignore him, that would be rude, and tried her best to act the part of a competent music store owner. “One of them.” She said far more composed than she expected. Except after that she was at a lost of what to say after that. “Are you finding everything alright?”

It wasn’t until she noticed the pen and notebook that she realized that Archie wasn’t here as a customer, but as the Ministry Inspector. She blanched, this was just turning into a no good, terrible day. She had never ever once been able to manage a completely coherent conversation with him. Back in school she was constantly tripping over her words and saying things that made no sense what so ever. How was she suppose to defend her store if she couldn’t even talk to the person with the power to shut it down.

“Oh. Er. You are the inspector, aren’t you?” She said wringing her hands. “Um. Let me just... Here I have files and permits and..” she turned to make her way back to the counter where she had put everything earlier. She was organized earlier. She was prepared before. “I...honestly have no idea how this is suppose to work.”

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