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g i a d a ([info]shelovesyou) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2013-02-19 21:54:00

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Entry tags:giada dorny, graeme dorny

She rubbed her eye, the migraine that had crept up the back of her head now encasing her entire skull. Giada rested on her knees, staring at the mess Allyson had created with little energy to do much cleaning up. Her wand waved listlessly, attempting to conjure some sort of organization charm, but her heart wasn't in it. Her heart wasn't in much of anything at the moment.

The bell on the front door jingled, and Giada let out a breath; Graeme was here. A large wave of relief washed over her, but as she heard his footsteps head toward the back room, a slight panic struck her. She was going to have to tell him what the fight was about, what Ally had revealed....Giada wasn't even sure she had accepted this revelation, and now she was going to have to repeat it to her husband, her husband who had already suffered so much because she came from a crazy pureblood family that only saw his bloodline.

Giada looked up as the door opened, and stared miserably at Graeme before her gaze dropped back down to the mess on the floor. She ran a hand through her hair, feeling ready to pass out.

"She hates me," Giada muttered, surprising herself, upsetting herself.

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2013-02-20 01:26 am UTC (link)
Graeme had no idea what had been going on at the shop while he was at home, trying to convince Jackson to actually put the food he had placed in front of him into his mouth and not chuck the cheerios at his dad, giggling each time Graeme caught a piece of the cereal in his mouth, acting like a goalie who was blocking shots. Needless to say, the time he was spending at home with their son (who was going to be 2 next month – bloody hell, time flew by) was a complete 180 from what his wife was going through with her sister. When he saw his journal flash, he responded to it as soon as possible, still dodging a cheerio or two before he quickly gathered the little tyke into his arms and told him he was going to see his Nana. He didn’t even have much time to explain why he had to drop him off so suddenly, because Graeme wasn’t even entirely sure, but he knew Giada needed him.

He arrived at the store as soon as he was able to get himself into a secluded area of the muggle community where his parents lived so he could apparate, opening the door to step inside, looking around for the blonde who had summoned him there. He hadn’t expected his vision to have to drop to find her kneeling on the floor. She looked…broken, moreso than the store, and that was saying something. He gaped at the mess as he approached her, crouching down in front of her. The words she spoke caused him to furrow his brows, worry and concern both very clear in the way he was looking at her. He reached a hand out in order to grab hold of the one of her own that she had been brushing back through her hair.

“She doesn’t-….” He started, but he looked around the store again, not daring to continue on since he was sure assuring her that her sister didn’t hate her was not going to help in this instance. Instead he just let out an almost defeated breath, at a loss.

"What happened...?" He started, but before he let her start, he held up a finger as a gesture for her to give him just a second, standing to his feet in order to run into the other room, grabbing a glass and filling it with some water before returning to her, crouching back down and offering her the drink. "Do you want to talk about it?"

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2013-02-20 01:47 am UTC (link)
Giada took the glass and held it tightly in her hands, unsure if she'd be able to take in anything at the moment. Part of her felt like she didn't deserve the comfort, and the rest of her wanted to curl up into Graeme's arms and beg him to never let go. Giada couldn't understand how she had such dueling emotions going on in her head and it made her wonder if she'd understood what had happened between her and Ally. It had been such a vicious attack, and even now Giada couldn't figure out if her sister's words had been true or not.

Was she really selfish? Had her 'father' really been this great man that she disgraced? What was so selfish about being with the person you loved? How could Ally think that being disowned was part of this grand scheme of things? Only terrible people could do such a thing...Her face contorted as she was determined not to shed any tears. The past five years of her life had been fraught with sadness because of her decision to breakaway from the rules and lore of her parents' pureblood agenda, or---her mother's obsession. No more.

"My father's not my----father," Giada said lowly, unable to look Graeme in the eye. The idea still stung, even if her 'father' had been dead for over a year, no matter the trauma she'd gone through. There was a long time where her family had been happy, and Giada cherished those memories. "Ally---said I'm selfish, that I've disgraced his memory because he kept---my mother's dirty little secret. I'm her dirty secret and he supposedly loved me anyway."

Giada put the glass down as her hands began to shake, and she let out a shuddering breath. This was miserable.

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2013-02-21 12:02 am UTC (link)
Needless to say, Graeme was a little thrown when she finally managed to produce words. What did she even mean by that? There had been plenty of times where he had heard her wish that her parents weren’t her parents, because of the hell they had put her through when she wanted to go off and marry Graeme and not a pureblood like they wanted her to, but for her to come out and say it like that didn’t make sense.

Until she kept going, and he was finally able to understand why the shop looked the way it did. He tried not to let the shock show on his face as he stared at her. He usually always knew what to say, but in this instance he was at a loss for words, and he felt even more terrible for just standing there, not doing or saying anything that could possibly help the situation. He imagined what she was feeling right now was much like finding out you were adopted, though this was much worse – not only was she the product of an affair, from what he was understanding, but her sister had known about it.

His attention turned to the glass of water as she placed it down beside her, and he quickly reached out for her shaking hands, taking them in his own to keep her steady.

“How does Ally know all of this…?”

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2013-02-21 02:36 am UTC (link)
Giada shrugged her shoulders, gripping Graeme's hands tightly. "I don't know. She knew, though. She's known for a while, I think."

The way her sister had brought up memories from their childhood, how she'd mimicked how wonderfully their mother used to treat Giada...it seemed like Ally had known for a long time. The bitterness in Ally's voice was heart-piercing, and though Giada had kept mostly a stone cold face, having her beloved sister speak to her that way, think so poorly of her...Giada hadn't been able to fix the gigantic canyon she and Ally had put between each other, but she'd never thought lowly of her. She knew Ally was stubborn, and Giada was defending her family and her life choices, but...but...

She dropped her eyes to the ground, taking in a deep to try to keep herself from completely losing her composure. Giada was tired of being seen as the naive one, the silly girl with stars in her eyes that was oblivious to the world around her. She was a grown woman now, she was a wife, she was a mother. There was no way she was going to allow the mistakes of her parents ruin her life any longer. If Ally couldn't understand that, then---so be it.

"I'm done letting them hurt me," Giada said, unable to stop the tears from spilling out of her eyes. A great pain filled her chest as she realized what that really meant. Never again, never again. She lurched forward into Graeme, letting out a sob, "I'm done, I'm done."

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2013-02-23 10:19 pm UTC (link)
Graeme felt absolutely helpless, his chest aching on her behalf as she threw herself into his arms, allowing him to wrap them around her and hold her tight as she finally let go of the tears she had been fighting back. He stroked her hair, trying to give her some comfort even though he was certain none could be provided at this time. What could he say to make this better? What could he do? Telling her it was going to be alright seemed empty – it was what he always told her, but in that moment it didn’t seem right. She wouldn’t listen, and even if she did she wouldn’t believe it.

“Just breathe, baby…”

His words were spoken softly as he held her close, though he parted from her just long enough to look her in the eyes, his heart breaking at the sight of her tears, just as it did every other time he saw her cry. They had been through so much together, and every time she cried it felt like a knife in the chest. He wiped away the salty streams that were running down her cheeks, swallowing thickly.

“Let me take you out of here…let me take you home.”

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