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littleladylord ([info]littleladylord) wrote,
@ 2013-03-29 18:36:00

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Meme: Jealousy
It had been nice, of course, seeing some the JSA people and introducing them to Saishu. Tess had been one of Cindy's primary trainers in getting the basic physical and procedural necessities of hero work, Will was a sweetheart, and Layla was ...

attractive. Properly attractive. Not Saishu-level gorgeous by a long shot but somewhere in the sort of league that might share a ballpark. As opposed to barely being able to play catch.

And Cindy felt her self getting twitchy. And as they headed out later, it didn't go away.

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2013-03-30 03:23 am UTC (link)
"You are ok?" Saishu is not the most empathic of people. Really, she's waaaay off on the other end of the spectrum. Asking after people's emotional states virtually doesn't happen.

But Cindy has a particular way of broadcasting the heart on her sleeve sometimes. And Saishu has gotten to know her pretty well.

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2013-03-30 03:26 am UTC (link)
"In... most legitimate terms, yes. I'm okay." Cindy bit her lip. "Just... I'm going to blame it on Ophie. He's a convenient scapegoat."

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2013-03-30 03:49 am UTC (link)
"Good." Saishu agrees, appearing, for all the world, as if that settles the issue and things can carry on now.

Its actually about five minutes later that there's been enough pondering and bits of curiosity to add to it.

"Blame what on Ophidian?"

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2013-03-30 03:51 am UTC (link)
A breath. "I'm feeling uncomfortable about Layla's involvement in the conversation just now. Specifically, about Layla's involvement in the conversation with you. I know it doesn't make any sense. But besides blaming Ophidian, I do have it on good authority it happens to a lot of people in love with beautiful women, so between the two, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised."

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2013-03-30 03:57 am UTC (link)
Saishu considers that a few moments, trying to think back to the conversation. Also working on figuring out where Ophidian and his issues might fit in.

"Oh? You wish to sleep with her?"

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2013-03-30 04:00 am UTC (link)
"What? No, not particularly. I mean, she's gorgeous, yes, that's fact; but it's not the fact itself that's making me uncomfortable. But what if you want to sleep with her? More than you want to sleep with me?"

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2013-03-30 04:04 am UTC (link)
"You are my girlfriend. I would rather sleep with you. Am surprised you do not want to sleep with her. Is your type. Yes?"

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2013-03-30 04:10 am UTC (link)
And Cindy starts to just smile. And then ... "Well, yes, but first, it's better to focus on someone who actually wants to sleep with me, and second, she's pinging the wrong threat-type buttons because, well, she has more in common with you, and she's better looking, and... all that."
Cindy sighs. "Sorry it's weird. I love you, Saishu."

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2013-03-30 04:13 am UTC (link)
"I... am not sure I understand. Wrong?" A bit of head scratching, then a nod. "Yes, much in common. Good friends. Think you're more my type. Would only want to sleep with her if you there too. Then maybe."

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2013-03-30 04:17 am UTC (link)
"Wrong as in her being a Dangerous Person would normally just make her more hot; I mean, you're an incredibly dangerous person, in a good way, but since I worry that she's a threat to the relation --" And then what was said processes.

"...you would only if ... okay. I have no idea if that would be a good idea. But... I'm going to think about that some, just to think about it. That's... okay, right?"

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2013-03-30 04:25 am UTC (link)
"Yes, only if. You are my girl. But yes, is ok to think about. Why would it not be?"

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2013-03-30 04:29 am UTC (link)
Cindy smiled again. Then. "Just projecting, beautiful. I was feeling insecure, so I worry that you might feel insecure, even though that's... obviously silly."

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2013-03-30 04:41 am UTC (link)
"You have no worries. Are my beautiful girl, my little pumpkin."

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2013-03-30 04:42 am UTC (link)
A quiet little sound, and Cindy threw her arms around her. "Okay."

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