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cruella de vil ([info]holocron) wrote,
@ 2012-08-31 21:31:00

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you know you love it
Give me a character of mine and a character of yours, and I'll tell you why they should be together.

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2012-09-01 01:28 am UTC (link)
Izzie and Archie!

Derek and Giada!

Tim and Adamina!

...............Iwan and Greta?! lmfao

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Izzie and Archie
2012-09-01 02:10 am UTC (link)
DEFINITELY, first and foremost, is the black sheep thing. Both being the odd ones out in a family of stuffy/proper Pure-bloods, I think they automatically understand the fundamentals of the other person, even if it's subconsciously.

He really needs someone who is going to stop him from being a stodgy old 70 year old at not-even-30, and Izzie definitely keeps him on his toes. But by the same token, I think Izzie needs a more mature/stable-ish influence, which he can give her.

Also that whole thing where two relatively ordered, self-actualized individuals pretty much fell apart when love was thrown in the mix. Being of relatively sane and easy temperaments, they went pretty much insane when put together, so obviously there is hidden/not-so-hidden madness in both of them!

And they love unconditionally and unreservedly ♥

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Derek and Giada
2012-09-01 02:11 am UTC (link)
No, they are a terrible couple and should not be together.

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2012-09-01 01:36 am UTC (link)
Octavius and Rose! because now she has awoken again

LOL CARADOC AND RACHEL aside from the fact that they would rule the world

anndd ermmmm

Nico and Larkin? She's new so if you're not feeling her I shall give you another of the same category... LOL ODETTE AND AXE even though she for shaming me as I write

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2012-09-01 03:41 am UTC (link)

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2012-10-23 02:18 am UTC (link)


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