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feelgoodmods ([info]feelgoodmods) wrote,
@ 2009-06-05 10:53:00

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building layout;

[basement level]

★; the parking garage is just like any other standard place to park your car. If you're a big name, valet service outside the building is there for you use. But it isn't free.
★; the boiler room and janitor's supply closet are also down here.


★; the building itself was designed to look like one big glass castle with subtle phallic imagery. Cheers.
★; in the lobby, you'll find a hand-carved oak desk and the always friendly Sasori. Watch your fingers. He does bite. :(
★; conference rooms are also located to the left and the right of the spacious lobby and all the various places to sit. These rooms are used for the rare business meeting, job interviews, magazine/television companies, and misc. duties. And probably for porn.

[first floor]

★; offices, offices, offices. This floor is like one giant office beehive, and here you'll find the entire writing staff, marketing, web designers, and more.
★; cubicles are given to the new recruits, while longer-running employees do get their own office, which is decorated in the style of the building, yet they are free to give it any personal flair they wish.

[second floor]

★; studios!! Where as the first floor focused on office work, the second focuses on the second stage of making the magic happen. Here we have studios of every size and shape, and some pre-arranged to suit common needs. Like a teenage girl's bedroom, a classroom, the inside of an airplane, etc. Most sets are blank slates though, and able to fit any need.
★; and after you're done filming, a special set of showers are never too far away. It's important for all employees to stay fresh, clean, and not so sticky. ( they also come in yellow. )
★; you'll also find prop design and storage here. Close to filming for obvious reasons.

[third floor]

★; finally getting into play, here you'll find the video archives, which contains high-definition copies of every film produced by the company, along with the original film itself under lock and key.
★; also here are the offices of the video editors, as it only makes sense for them to be so close to the stash.
★; on the other side of this floor, you'll find an enormous cafe and employee lounge. In this cafe are the always popular hamburger vending machines and numerous places to sit and relax. And yes, you are allowed to scooter indoors.
★; the lounge itself features an entire wall with flat-screen TVs applied, each one showing either previously recorded movies, or the ever-popular live feed of whatever is being filmed right then. A favorite past-time is for everybody to gather around and cheer on some first-timer as they screw up their first movie. Very exciting.

[fourth floor]

★; moving further into play, this floor contains everything any employee needs to be happy, and stay happy.
★; this begins with the large indoor pool that has been used for a movie shoot more than once, but always properly cleaned. The pool is open to any employee at any time of the day. Even at 4:00 AM, if you're daring. There's no life guard on duty, but you are allowed to dress like one and perform intimate CPR if you really want to.
★; further to the right is the luxurious spa, which is a recent addition to keep employees happy and healthy. And waxed. After encountering complaints about the strain of certain positions, and the crotches of certain male employees, the spa seems to be an addition that nobody would dare complain about. The services inside are not free, and will be taken out of your paycheck. Though I assure you it's all moderately priced. Sort of.

[fifth floor]

★; this floor has only one purpose, and one purpose only. It's been converted into an enormous ballroom that is used for every sort of event imaginable.

[sixth floor]

★; here you'll find the spacious gym, also recently added when Madara noticed a few employees were really porking on pounds from those vend-a-burgers. While using the equipment is free, getting specialized one-on-one training is not.

[seventh floor]

★; this floor is dedicated entirely to the security offices. Video surveillance? That one picture of you picking your nose? They've got it all. As there are cameras in most high-traffic areas of the company, you should know that big brother is always watching.

[the very top floor]

★; once you wipe up the altitude induced nosebleed, you'll find the offices of Madara and Izuna Uchiha on the highest floor you can get to. If you ever get summoned here, be wary. Be very wary. Because you'll be asked to come alone.
★; there's a rumor that if Madara doesn't like you, you'll be shoved off the top of the building. This rumor started after one employee was fired and never heard from again.

[facts you should know]

★; Feel Good, INC. has a helicopter landing pad. Chances are you will never use it. But it's nice to know!
★; Madara likes to randomly pop in and visit employees. Sometimes on a Segway.
★; Security tapes of hilarious happenings or fights are often shown in the lounge for your entertainment. Same for if you try to nab a quickie inside the building. They will sell copies of it.

- - - - - -

Remember that most extra amenities are not actually Feel Good, INC. sponsored, but instead run by a smaller company that takes up residence inside the larger company for better business. The gym is closed to employees only, but the pool, spa, and food services are all open to the public if they're visiting or wish to come in and get a tour. The company does give tours to the curious, and employees are more than welcome to give them a quick flash or two.

Because it keeps them coming back.

- - - - - -

★; Angel's Hell is located on the outskirts of the city itself, keeping in mind the laws on brothels and prostitution! We follow the law here, honest injun.

[lobby + circle room]

★; The receptionist will greet you at the door, where you'll be given a "menu" of choices. After you've made your choice, you'll be directed to go up the stairs and into a large circular room with many, many doors around to pick from. These are the rooms to get your freak on in.
★; The lobby is intended to look like a modernized church, with a seating area and lobby, as well as a fancy bathroom (the door underneath the stairs.)
★; The lobby area has chairs like this, and vending machines for condoms, snacks, porn, and sex toys, because we know how much people love vending machines.


Part of the fantasy involves variety, and Angel's Hell has several calm, relaxed rooms for the gentle souls with gentle fantasies... but for the more wild, there's a fine selection of themed rooms as well.

All rooms, regardless of theme, have a shower and toilet. You are required to shower before sex, silly. All rooms also have a full stock of lube and toiletries, as well as a Tabooboo Vending Machine!

★; Standard Rooms

Room 101:

Room 102:

Room 103:

★; S&M, etc.

All S&M rooms come with basic "training" material, though it is not free. Much like that tempting bottle of water left in a hotel room, everything has a price tag on it. Use it, you pay for it. And it's yours forever. Some employees may have personal toys that you can use on them, instead. Which is wise, because it keeps the customers pleased.

Room 104:

Room 105:
Same as 104. It's popular!

Room 106:

★; Fetish

Room 107:

Room 108:

Room 109:

Room 110:

Room 111:

★; The Uchiha Madara Suite

For those of you who roll in cash and demand only the best, a full suite was added on and of course named after our favorite Uchiha. This suite is rather exclusive, and will run you $500 your first hour, $200 for each additional hour. Without even negotiating a price with your Angel. A rare treat. Any Angel who can manage to get someone to spring for the suite gets a bonus to their paycheck, and bragging rights. (If you're curious, all other rooms are only $40 first hour, $10 every other to pay for general upkeep. This money is added in with your negotiation price.)

- - - - - -

Paradise Lust is directly next to Angel's Hell, but unlike the hidden nature of Hell, Paradise is all about the open display of... goods. There's a $10 cover charge at the door, regardless of the day or the time.

[main room + bar]

★; As you can see, this is a classy establishment. All leather seats, comfortable lighting, no gaudy flashing lights going off in your face. This is about enjoying the fruits of paradise, not getting a black light show with some saggy breasts. The light is dimmed, but it's not pitch black, since if you don't have a perfect body that can't shine in the light, then you shouldn't be a stripper. That's Madara's policy, anyway.
★; Do not touch your stripper! Unless it's to put money in his/her panties, hey hey hey.
★; There are of course strip poles around, and a main stage, which is done up to look like a church altar, matching the tones and styles of the rest of the club.

[vip/private dance]

★; Private dance prices are to be negotiated with your hot young selection for the evening. Same rules apply, no touching the stripper! If you want something even more private where you can touch, have your Angel take you next door.

- - - - - -

If you have any ideas for additions or stations, feel free to contact a mod or leave a comment on this post! Since the building is obviously huge, there's loads that can be done and added if it works. Also remember that this adds more jobs for you to choose from for your character, so if you've got someone who would not, under any circumstance, get naked for the camera, you're free to put them in the spa, or even make them flip burgers. You'll still be inside the company, so this is allowed. Though you should try to give them a direct job, just for inclusion's sake.

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