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Alex Quill ([info]spacepalm) wrote,
@ 2012-09-26 20:35:00

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Plot writeup
Plot: The Hunger
Teams Involved: GotG, open to Avengers or F4 members that are interested.

1. A massive energy wave is detected heading towards Earth. Mac receives a multiple rank field promotion to Centurion. Connection to Worldmind states this is due to "Nova Force dispersion". Centurion Rider is ordered to remain on Earth, and attempts to contact the corps are unresponsive. For context, the level of energy increase Mac has received would indicate a /majority/ portion of the Nova Corps had been eliminated.

2. The Guardians arrive on Earth, Alex telling Mac he needs to come with him. Avengers and F4 are welcome to tag along, as Alex says they're going to need muscle.
2a. Once everyone is headed off-planet, Alex admits his actions aren't sanctioned by Knowhere or the Nova Corps, and, oh yeah, Abigail Brand probably wants his ass on a platter for blazing past the usual planetary checkpoints.

3. Once they're safely underway, Alex explains the disagreement he had with his father earlier. Mac was designated Nova Prime, after consultation with Peter Quill and a few select contacts on the Galactic Council, as a repository for excess Nova Force, figuring Earth is enough of a threat to the galaxy as it is that most enemies wouldn't go hunting it down there and risk stirring up bigger problems than it's worth. Alex disagreed, thinking it was unfair to put that kind of burden on Mac. This indicates that the amount of power increase isn't implicative of as many fatalities as earlier suspected, since Mac is receiving all of the freed up energy, rather than being one of many to do so.

4. Arriving into Nu Xandar local space, they find pretty much every spaceworthy craft fleeing the system. A creature that had been held in lockup for centuries by the Corps has gotten loose. It is an energy being, true origin unknown, but generally rumored to be a failed experiment by one of the Elders of the Universe. It has already consumed the energies of over a dozen Nova Corps members, before an emergency protocol was activated. A majority of the Corps surrendered their powers, and the resulting swell of Centurions were ordered to head out of the system as fast as possible.

5. The creature focuses in on Mac's energy and the fight is on. Stronger types can engage the creature directly, while science or street types can work on evacuating civilians from the areas of the planet the fight spills onto, or repairing the containment system for it.

Wrap-up: Creature is drained of energy and imprisoned again. People are free to use it's release as a hook for another plot. Good guys go home. (:

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