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zinc1hammer ([info]zinc1hammer) wrote,
@ 2013-03-08 14:37:00

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The Ins And Outs Of The IPad
iPad tips can be quite helpful. You will waste a lot of time searching for this advice online. Read on for some popular tips that can help you have a better iPad experience.

You can view the apps running on your iPad. Some apps can continue to run simultaneously with other things on the iPad. If you would like to view the current apps that are running, double click the Home icon. The apps in use will appear on the bottom of the screen. Press the Home button again or swipe down to clear the bar.

Have you ever seen a picture on the web while using your iPad that you'd like to save? It will not cause you any headaches to do this. Simply tap the image, then hold it. A "save image" prompt will appear. You'll have it available in your Photo app.

It's essential that you know how to treat your iPad. You should avoid exposing your iPad to direct sunlight and to high temperatures. This will decrease the performance of the battery. Also, be sure to avoid placing your iPad in places where its electronic components could be damaged by liquids. It's also a good idea to buy a cover that's padded so your iPad is more protected.

Easily access running apps. All you must do is to click Home twice, and they appear at the lower edge of the screen. This little trick saves a ton of time, as you don't have to scroll through screens to access something.

Don't use your iPhone charger for your iPad if you are short on time. The iPhone charger supplies half the watts the iPad charger does. The iPhone charger will take much longer to fully charge your iPad. To save time, charge your iPad with the included charger.

You are probably aware that your iPad is an excellent device for playing music, but what about podcasts? These consist of radio shows ranging in short to long lengths. If you crave something a little more stimulating during your morning commute, try a podcast. Since podcasts encompass a wide variety of topics, you're sure to find one which interests you.

To get a copy of the user's manual, download one for free. Instead of including a manual with their products, Apple prefers that you download one.

Shortcuts let you send messages quickly. For instance, a period and space are added when you tap the space bar two times while typing a sentence. Doing this means you no longer need to do it manually every time.

Get involved in online communities that discuss iPad use. There is lots of information available this way. You can also give others information about uses you have found for the iPad. If you're having any problems using your iPad, you should be able to find solutions on one of these forums.

best android tablet The iPad has transformed the way countless individuals use technology on a daily basis. Given the amazing list of things they can do, many wonder what, if any, sorts of things it cannot do! By utilizing the tips provided above, you'll realize that the iPad has limitless possibilities.

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