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macon & noël ([info]carmichael) wrote,
@ 2008-06-27 07:15:00

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Things Eddie has discovered:
- Dad makes a loud ow noise when you hit him in the eye with a spoon.
- The crib can no longer hold a climber
- Hopping down the stairs is fun, and takes forever
- morning naps are no longer cool
- tuxedo fittings are fun when dad is not having any

Things Macon has discovered:
- hitting hurts
- No is the worst word in the language (and can be shouted at many different octaves)
- There's a reason they call them toddlers and its really cute to watch him hop

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2008-06-28 04:29 pm UTC (link)
My nephew is so smart. Not too sure about my brother, though.

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