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Graeme Dorny ([info]graeme_cracker) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-01-31 15:53:00

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Entry tags:giada dorny, graeme dorny

Who: Giada and Graeme
What: She misses her family...:(
Where: Graeme's apartment
When: Early Morning

If there was one thing he hated about working late shifts at the Diner, it was that his entire schedule was messed up. He didn't get in until about 1:00 am, so having a social life didn't really work out too well for him...and when you had a girlfriend, this was sort of an issue. But, Giada didn't seem to mind coming over at 2 in the morning, just to wind up either leaving or falling asleep a few minutes later. So, the two of them never really had any time together, except for the weekends when he wasn't working. His shifts were perfectly fine when he just had to worry about himself, but he didn't want to be...inconvenient? Honestly, he didn't know what other word fit better when he thought back on it. And it wasn't like he didn't tell her to just stay home, that he felt bad that she had to stay up so late just to see him, but she came over anyway. Not that he wasn't glad to see her because, hell, why wouldn't he be glad to see her? It was just that he felt bad, as mentioned before. But he couldn't deny that waking up next to her the next morning was pretty great.

Usually, if she wound up spending the night, they would made it back into his bedroom, but it seemed that the two of them had been too lazy and/or tired to even get up last night, so they just passed out on the couch. The last thing Graeme remembered was the feeling of her hair between his fingers before he was out like a light. They were still in the same exact position, from what he could tell. He had been awake for maybe about 5 minutes, but kept trying to fall back asleep because she was still asleep, and since she was halfway on top of him, moving was not an option.

Giada wasn't going to budge, cause she didn't want to wake Graeme up. Sleeping on the couch was lovely for naps, really, napping was one of her favorite things to do, but it definitely wasn't cut out for sleeping long nights. Not that she had any idea what time it really was because if she moved she'd wake him up and the clock was on the other side of the couch, and really. This was quite the situation.

Not that she had anywhere to go for a while, or at least that's what she thought. Hm. Maybe she should just go back to sleep. Because Graeme would wake up when he needed to wake up, right? Right. Except now her foot was asleep and augh. Fine. Fine, Gods of the Morning, she will wake up and ruin the calm and the nice and the whole avoiding all the troubles in her mind. Because of course the moment she woke up, like it had been since she had started sleeping over at Emmet's, her first thought had been, 'I have to get home!'

But Savannah wasn't keeping tabs on her whereabouts (at least not obvious, strict tabs), no. Giada didn't need to be back so her parents wouldn't know she'd been out all night. Her parents didn't even think about her anymore, so no, she didn't have to rush off and tell the house-elves to be quiet and, blah.

"It's a sunshine daaaay," she sang softly and slowly into Graeme's ear. Now that she was awake for good, she couldn't let him sleep any longer, goodness. That would be boring. "Everybody's smiling, sunshine dayyy."

Graeme was trying really hard not to smirk as he heard her singing, but it just wasn't working. Really, who could keep a straight face when you had the Brady Bunch song waking you up? "Everybody's laughing, sunshine day..." His voce was groggy since he was still half asleep, and by the end of his own little line of the song he shifted himself just a bit beneath her, turning his head so he could see her better. "I think we're the only two people who can wake up and burst into song right away who aren't Disney characters." He moved his hand to brush away some of her hair. "So how long have you been awake...?"

Giada scrunched her nose, a fleeting thought about how her hair must be a bird's nest, "What's Disney?"

She knew quite a bit about the muggle world, well...mainly just the music bit of it. The commercials she had to read and the events she had to go to were giving her more insight into the muggle world than she'd ever gotten (even with Sam and Savannah as in-laws, they still mostly lived in the wizarding world), so random things like...Disney were not part of her vocabulary. But, Graeme was a muggleborn and had grown up and was still surrounded by muggle things, and it just made her think about if she ever tried to talk to her parents, to get them back in her life, that, well---it wouldn't be able to happen.

See, sometimes she hated Patrick and Ally. Patrick was the heir, he could do no wrong. Ally was the daughter who her father adored and let her do anything she wanted (even if there was a little bit of a trouble with Sam's bloodline, Ally still got her way). And Giada? Well, she was the accident that they'd decided would turn into something they could trade in. They didn't see her as their daughter, more like a way to keep the family in good graces with their society. And for some idiotic reason, she still wanted their attention. "Do you want breakfast?"

At first, he was about to ask her if she was joking when she asked him the question, but then he remembered that she was raised so differently. "Uh...disney? He's this...guy. Like, an artist, and he makes these movies about these people who sing, and...I really can't describe Walt Disney at--" he lifted up his free arm and looked at his watch. "7:45...yeah, it's definetly too early to try and describe Disney." He looked back over to her as he dropped his hand back down to his side. "But, I promise you that I will introduce you to the Magical World of Disney. I have a feeling you'll appreciate it." Moving down he gave her forehead a kiss, once again idly playing with her hair. He really didn't even realize he was doing it sometimes it just...happened.

He squinted his eyes in thought at her question. "What I'd really like is feeling back in my left arm..." he gave her another smirk, looking down at the arm he was referring to, which was beneath her. "But breakfast would be great...might need my arm to make it, but we should take things one step at a time."

"Oh!" Giada sat up quickly to release Graeme's arm (aw, the poor thing) and carefully slipped off the couch. "Ow, ow, ow, ow," she squeaked as she hopped on one foot to the kitchen, as her foot was still tingling and trying to wake up (or was it waking up? She'd read that the tingling was actually the blood starting to move again). Hmm, definitely didn't feel like a cereal kind of morning, but she'd barely managed an omelette the other day and she didn't feel like cracking another whole carton of eggs because of her mistakes.

"Pancakes!" she exclaimed, balancing on one foot in front of the cabinet. Pancakes would be good, because if he wanted she could put chocolate chips in and that would be cute. "Pancakes good?" she asked, pulling open the cabinet for a bowl.

"Thank you." He said as he got himself into a seated position, watching her hop across the floor. His brows furrowed together as he rolled his shoulder and flexed his fingers, also feeling that same tingley feeling run through his arm. He pushed back his hair with his other hand, even though a few random strands fell back into his face, trying to figure out if Gia had actually managed to get up at some point and have a cup of coffee before she woke him up, but...that would have been impossible. No, the girl was just wide awake.

Rising to his feet, he made his way into the kitchen, leaning back into one of his counters as she went through his stuff to find what she needed. "Giada, I have the cooking skills of an ape...which usually equals to none, unless it's some sort of freak ape, so really, whatever you're willing to make I'll eat...because as long as it's edible, we're good." He had moved over to her by this point, reaching up above her to grab what she had been trying to get a hold of, handing it to her as he closed the cabinet, opening up his fridge to pull out the carton of eggs and the milk she'd need. "How about we make like...an assembly line, so I don't feel completely useless? I'll crack the eggs--...even though I completely trust your egg cracking abilities." He gave her a smirk and went to another cabinet to get some measuring things. "...I don't even know why I have this stuff, I never make anything..." he was basically talking to himself as he gathered what he needed. He had worked in a Diner long enough to know how things were made, but making them himself? Yeah, no, that always turned out...weird.

"Why thank you kind sir," Giada said with a quirk of a smile, and spun around to turn on the stove top, "What's weird, is that I'm not very good either, though I mean---you saw how the omelettes went the other day, but I love cooking I'm just really bad at it and, I mean---"

She pulled out her wand to crack the two eggs and mix them into the batter, "I mean, these aren't going to be bad, I'm just saying that I only know from watching, ha--watching the house-elves, really, my mum never did any cooking--"

Giada paused, pouring the milk in slowly as she tried to divert her thought process. Her mum never did anything, at least not with her. Giada wasn't sure how she'd gone all these years without being upset by it, it was literally as if she was in her own little bubble and ignoring everything she didn't like. Leaving Hogwarts had definitely opened her eyes for her, "But, well, Twinky was rather good at it, so I'm hoping I can, you know, carry her pancake-making legacy on for future generations and such."

"House elves? I've...whoa. You had house-elves?" Right now he probably looked like Giada did when she found out about something new when it came to Muggle culture. Graeme had been raised without any knowledge of House-Elves, or Dragons, or Pixies, or anything of the sort, so...all of this was very new. He honestly never understood how he had become a wizard, because there wasn't anything special about him, he was just...Graeme!

"Twinky?" He felt like a spaz for repeating the odd name outloud, but that wasn't really what was concering him at the moment. After he mentioned the House-Elf's name, he glanced down at the bowl she was pouring into, and cleared his throat, going beside her to gently grab the milk from her, placing it beside the bowl as he looked down at the two little yolks swimming in a pool of far too much milk. "...now, I've seen people make pancakes, and I don't ever remember there being this much milk...but hey, maybe I'm wrong." He paused, sighed, and then looked over to her. "Alright, I have a feeling that there's something on your mind, and it isn't Twinky...or, maybe it is, but you must have had one hell of a connection with that elf if you were distracted enough to drown the eggs..." He lifted his brows slightly. "So what's up?"

Giada grimaced, using her wand to quickly banish some of the milk before the whole batter was ruined. Crud.

"Oh, well, yeah, I mean." She shrugged; Giada leaned onto the counter, putting her hands up, "I'm from one of those families."

Her new mission statement had been not to lie. Because that's how all the mess with Emmet started, and she didn't want to ruin another one of her relationships, so Giada took a breath and pushed her hair back before finally spilling what was on her mind.

"It's just--my parents suck," she let out a short laugh, but it was mostly to cover the fact that she was starting to get upset about it, "And--I know they won't talk to me if I don't go and do what they want, and I--I hate that lifestyle, but even if they were crappy parents I still love them and miss them, but I know they won't change and I don't know what to do because---because it would, I--"

She was near tears now, screwing up her mouth to force herself to go on, "They wouldn't approve of you, but I'm not going to give you up, so it's just---it's hard, and sorry, I just thought about Twinky and it made me think of my mum and then I thought about how I haven't seen her in months, and, and--"

"One of th--"

This really wasn't what he expected when he asked about the house-elf. He stood beside her, looking between her and the batter, if only to avoid eye contact for a few seconds. It was just...okay, it was hard to take all that in at once, and to have her be on the verge of tears. He swallowed roughly as he rose a hand to rub at the back of his neck, giving a light sigh as he straightened up, trying to keep his eyes on hers even though seeing her react like this was tough. "Gia--"

She continued on, clearing his throat before he opened his mouth again, trying to speak, only getting the chance to do so when she just couldn't seem to form words anymore. "Giada...come here." He held out his hand, and when she took it, he gradually pulled her closer to him, his other hand going to brush her cheek with the back of his knuckles as he laced their fingers together. "Listen to me...you need to talk to your parents." Before she could cut him off, he shook his head and continued on. "Just talk to them, no matter what their reaction is to whatever you say, you need to talk to them. Avoiding them isn't going to help." He dropped his hand down to grab her other hand. "I'm not trying to be a persistent ass about this, but I can see that you miss them, even if you didn't say it. And...they're your parents, Gia."

Giada couldn't believe that he was telling her to go to them! Not that it was bad advice, it was just something she hadn't been expecting, and she'd have thought--well, she'd just told Graeme that they wouldn't like him, but he still wanted her to--Giada pouted slightly and nodded, pulling her hands out of his so that she could hug him tightly around the neck. Somehow, she knew he'd understand, even if it was still a shock--Graeme was just nice and smart that way, he wasn't going to yell about something she couldn't control and he'd see what she really meant, and, sigh. She just knew he'd understand her.

"You're not a persistent ass," she mumbled with a light chuckle, tightening her grip on him. See, how could her parents not like Graeme? Giada knew that they only allowed Ally to marry Sam, a muggleborn, because Ally was the golden child and could do no wrong---Giada blinked a few times, shaking the rather bitter thought from her mind before pulling back to face Graeme. Okay, and maybe to kiss him quickly, then pushing his hair out of his face, because goodness did she love his hair, but she loved his eyes more, so she needed to move his hair to see it, so.

"Maybe breakfast could wait a few minutes," she murmured, moving in close, knocking her nose gently with his.

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