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Mafiusi ([info]mafiusi) wrote,
@ 2008-01-08 02:58:00

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Character Application.

Email all applications to mafiusimod@yahoo.com, we’ll speedily approve you or highlight a few things that may need altering in order to get your character in as soon as possible, and you’ll receive a scribbld.net invite to build your journal. If you’d rather host your application somewhere else and just provide a link, that’s fine too; email that to us instead or comment with it here. As for the application/survey itself, we don’t ask for a huge influx of information, but we do want to have a basic outline of their personality and current situation and be assured of each writer’s ability to post well and confidently develop their character. If you use this format or come up with your own, it’s fine, as long as the principal categories are touched on (history, personality, etc.) thoroughly, it’s accepted.

When you’re given access to your journal, you must either post your application there or write an update within the first week so other players know what your character’s about. Your journal will be used for only this community, as will your AIM, which must have a screen name that relates to your character’s name or position.

(Keep in mind of the mature content of the game.)
Was the character held?

Journal name: (You'll receive a code to build under this name upon approval by the mods, unless you're able to access a code yourself.)
Full name:
Sex/Age: (16+, teenage applications will be regarded under extra scrutiny and capped if necessary.)
PB: (Be creative here, please. No Brad Pitt, no Britney Spears, no Myspace celebs, no Emo Kids - come on.)
Position: (Their status within with mob: N/A, Citizen, Soldier, Capo, Underboss, Boss, Outcast, etc.)
(We’re developing an online family tree, to make this easier on players to see how they’re related to other people, if they are tied by blood. If they are a member of the Boss’ extended family, include the names of your IC parents and whether they are related through the maternal or fraternal side.)
Personality: (We won't give you a precise word-count to go off, but the effort you put into making your character is always noticeable, so we just ask people to try. We just want a basic guideline as to who your character is; their general outlook on things, their common behaviours. Whether you showcase his or her temperaments through a few paragraphs of describing their quirks and fears and all that business or through detailed bullet-points, there's also a survey that can be used as well, which can help you get into your character's mind-frame.)
Basic History: (Basic, like it says. You don't have to pull out a novel if you'd rather not. Where were they born? How long have they been living in New York? When did they turn to the Russian/Italian mafia - were they born into it? While this section is open to simplicity, we hope that people do put a little thought into what they write.)

Detailed here, please! Generally speaking, your RP sample should be a good three or four decent-sized paragraphs. Write it as if you were writing an open thread for the whole game. Either linking to a past thread to demonstrate your writing skills, or writing something original as your character is well welcomed.

Sample Journal Entry:

Sample RP:

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