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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2009-08-02 16:47:00

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With all the baby posts :]
Choose any of my characters, past or present, RP or my own work, as many as you want. I will give you a name, maybe a PB, and five facts for their firstborn child, even if the character is unqualified to have children.

I'll try to do kids I haven't! And I probably have PBs now because of our epic lists annnnnd yes. Other random facts we've discussed lmao MAYBE add ideas for a new kid idkkk

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2009-08-02 09:51 pm UTC (link)




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Sam Edgar Bones
2009-08-02 10:10 pm UTC (link)

1. Sam knows he was an accident and likes bringing it up to his mother.

2. Very uncoordinated, but tried out for quidditch every year. They let him be the mascot, which Sam very much enjoyed during Hufflepuff celebration parties! All the girls want to hug Badgley the Badger.

3. He's a loopy one, and is often caught having long, thought-provoking conversations with Luna Lovegood. He has a yearly subscription to The Quibbler!.

4. Sam loves Herbology, a subject he believes is a Hufflepuff's true calling. He opens up his own set of greenhouses in the countryside of Wales and is often seen with giant gloves, apron, and goggles on as he emerges from his pots of dirt.

5. He was very surprised when he heard about Susan's involvement with Dumbledore's Army. Partly because he was upset that she didn't tell him about it, but mostly because he would have been too scared to put up a fight. She forced him to go home before the Battle of Hogwarts and Sam didn't sleep until she came home nearly a day later.

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Seamus Eammon Finnegan
2009-08-02 10:34 pm UTC (link)

1. Seamus is a bit of a mopey child, constantly tailing after Claire and whining when he doesn't get to play with her. It doesn't help that he can't ever really keep up with her.

2. He was sure he was going to get sent to Hufflepuff, like REALLY super happy about it too, so when the Sorting Hat started talking about Gryffindor, Seamus mentally yelled at it and told him that NO, HIS MAM WAS IN HUFFLEPUFF AND-----and apparently the stubbornness sent him to Gryffindor, after five minutes of negotiating.

3. During their seventh year, Seamus and Neville became very good friends, after six years of hardly speaking. He relied on Neville a lot, especially when the rumors of Dean's capture and murder reached Hogwarts.

4. Seamus had been in love with Lavender since fourth year, when she rejected him three times before finally agreeing to go to the Yule Ball with him. She says it was just to see how much he wanted to go with her. Which was a whole lot.

5. Running his family's old pub is a lot of fun, and Seamus often has his school friends over for pints and what not. Lavender's cleaned up the place, and his cousins often work the summers. It's a family business once again.

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2009-08-03 02:55 am UTC (link)
HAS ROWAN BEEN DONE YET? I don't remember.



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Rowan Tiberius McLaggen
2009-08-03 05:48 am UTC (link)

1. Rowan is very good at quidditch, and Cormac hates him for it. He makes it onto the quidditch team on his first try (but he doesn't try out until later, because he knew Potter played favorites duhhh)

2. He's got red hair, and like Cormac had a wild mane of it when he was little. BUT when he started playing little league quidditch, he shaved it off for 'aerodynamic purposes.' At least, that's what he told his shrieking mother.

3. Even though Rowan is nearly two years younger than Talulah, he still beats up boys in school for her. With Cormac, too, but Rowan took over the duty officially when Cormac graduated.

4. Gets drafted to Puddlemere, and has fun playing against Cormac (who took up an offer with the Tornadoes, after a row with his dad). They make the headlines quite often.

5. TOTALLY A MUMMY'S BOY. Cormac's a moose but Rowan knows how to play the game and would immediately run crying to Joy whenever it seemed like Cormac was getting ready to hit him, or Lulu was ready to steal one of his toys. He always had a ridiculous story ready, and was quite good at the dramatics.

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2009-08-03 03:32 am UTC (link)

AND. UM. YEAH lmao

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Elijah James Goldstein
2009-08-06 12:16 am UTC (link)

1. Elijah knew he was adopted from a very young age, but never thought much of it. When he finished Hogwarts he did try to find some family, but growing up he had no problems allowing people to think he was Anthony's twin---the boys definitely had a lot of fun that way.

2. He's a bit more of a leader than Anthony, but it's more like a caregiver than anything. He's very good with the little ones, and they would rather run to him than Anthony. Not that Anthony's mean or anything, they just know Elijah will coddle lmao

3. The grand piano hasn't been quiet since Elijah was four and could reach the keys well enough. He's got perfect pitch, and learned a lot of music on his own, but he really honed his skills when Mackenzie signed him up with a private tutor. She knows talent when she sees it!

4. (IGNORING MUGGLEBORN RULES IN DH MMKAY) Elijah stays alongside Anthony in the Battle of Hogwarts, terrified out of his mind. He hadn't gotten the DA training his brother did, but he was always good at defense. He injures his right arm pretty badly and can't play piano for a long while which gets him depressed, but soon enough he's fully healed and ready to play again.

5. His bffff is Harold Dingle because Elijah finds him HILARIOUS, and plays the piano for when Harold want to put on a show :D

lmao Emma I think he should sing too, his PB is too perfect

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2009-08-03 06:51 pm UTC (link)

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2009-08-04 01:51 am UTC (link)
oooo! Umm another McLaggen Kid por favor?

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