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katerina j. shimpling ([info]edgars) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-07-27 20:46:00

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Current mood: depressed
Entry tags:edgar bones, gillian bones

Ed trudged up the front steps of the new house that he and Gilly were currently residing. He and his wife had just finished decorating and putting everything where they thought it ought to be, and any other day, he would've spend a good few minutes admiring their good work. Now, however, he might as well have stumbled into a shack - he was blind to it all today.

Marlie McKinnon, Matt McKinnon, Deidra McKinnon, Melinda McKinnon, Olivia Whitehorn-McKinnon, and Marco McKinnon were dead. His cousin, his aunt and uncle, and a cousin-in-law. He had been close to all of them, especially Marlie. They had been chosen to be invited in the resistance group, the Order, they had gone to school together. To him, she was another sister, another sister that irritated and teased him, yet she had been as close as a friend. He had loved her, but really, who didn't love her? She was one of the bravest, loving souls he had known. His emotions tore him apart, when he had heard, he had initially refused to believe it. Marlie was an actress, a perfect cover for an Order member. Yet that didn't save her, as they had targeted the entire family. When he learned that the news was indeed true, he had broken down, sobbing. Who would he patrol with? Who would tease him or dare him into silly pranks just as if they were back at Hogwarts?

His throat tightened; he was done with tears. Everyone had grouped at the Order house to console each other, but no one really knew what to say; everyone had the same expression of their face - of mingled shock, rage, and deep sadness. He hadn't visited his sister or brother - Mia, he knew, would be especially torn up. Melinda had been her best friend. And Vinny - he had been Marlie's fiance. He couldn't even imagine what he was going through right now.

In all his life, he couldn't recall feeling this kind of helplessness, this kind of pain. He wanted to see the fucker who had killed his family dead. No, a simple Avada Kedevra would be too easy. He knew Travers in school - he had known that he and Marlie always had an animosity throughout school, but for him to kill the entire McKinnon family? No, Ed wanted to see him get what he deserved. He wanted him to feel what Marlie, Deidra, Matt, Melinda, Auntie Olivia, and Uncle Marco had probably felt during their last hours. Silently shutting the front door behind him, he cradled his hurt hand briefly. The hour after he had learned the news of the McKinnons had passed in a blur - he remembered punching the wall in the front corridor. The hole was still there.

"Gilly?" he called out hoarsely. Jonathan had taken her earlier, but now he desperately needed to see her. "Gilly, where are you?"

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2008-07-28 05:15 am UTC (link)
Gillian was quite positive that she had never been more exhausted in her entire life. The entire day was just emotionally draining, and with her physical condition already wearing her down, it was a surprise that she hadn’t completely collapsed by now. Even if she had attempted to fall asleep, she was positive that she would be crying 5 seconds later, only making herself more tired while she kept herself awake. It was a horrible cycle, and there was no way of telling when it would end.

Sitting cross legged in the middle of the bed she shared with her husband, she ran a brush through her wet hair, staring at some random spot on their comforter. She had managed to get herself in and out of a shower, trying to calm herself down. She knew that hyperventilating while sobbing uncontrollably wasn’t good for the baby, so she was doing whatever she could to take deep breaths in and out. While she was around Megan and Jonathan, she was constantly apologizing for reacting like she was. Gillian Bones was a very emotional person to begin with, and she put her heart and soul into every relationship she had, so losing someone who she considered one of her best friends along with losing several new family members was devastating. And, since her hormones were always making her 10 times more touchy and depressed than she normally was about things, she couldn’t help herself. Besides, Edgar wasn’t there when she found out. She was completely alone in their new house, and there was no one to help her get through the news. Well, not until she went to see Megan and Jonathan.

Running the brush through her wet hair again, she finally blinked for the first time in a while when she heard her name. Her hand froze and her eyes looked over to the door. It wasn’t until Edgar spoke again did she push herself off of the bed, walking quickly to where he was. Her heart race picked up when she saw him standing there, and without saying anything, she closed the space between them, her hands going to his cheeks, letting her fingers trail down his skin. She remained quiet, silent even as she just let her eyes stare deep into his own, taking in how utterly exhausted and distraught he looked. She couldn’t take it, seeing him like this… There was a tight knot forming in her throat, but she swallowed around it. And then she spoke. She said one thing, one word, one name.


Her voice was barely a whisper, feeling like if she were to speak any louder, it would be deafening. He was hurting so badly. So badly, and he didn’t even have to say a word. His eyes said it all. That look said everything.

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2008-07-28 08:34 am UTC (link)
Ed wrapped his arms around Gilly, holding her tightly, resting his chin on top of her head, trying to concentrate on taking deep, slow breaths. So many times during the day he wanted to lose it, yell, punch another wall, but he had been almost entirely silent, save for when he was at the Order house. He trembled slightly.

"I'm sorry I left you alone, but I had to rush over to the Order house." His voice was still low. He thought back to what Alice Longbottom had told the rest of them, Marlie's silver seal pup Patronus, how Travers had unmasked himself in front of her. He felt a hot, stabbing rush of rage and he stiffened. Travers had thought he had won. He was wrong.

But as quickly as he felt anger, a tidal wave of sorrow crushed that rage and he slumped. Even if he found Travers, hunted him down himself, that would not make a difference. That would not bring Marlie, Melinda, Deidra, Matt, Uncle Marco, and Auntie Olivia back from the dead. They were dead, Marlie was dead, and there was nothing they could do about it.

"I-I don't know what to do, Gilly," he whispered. He lifted his wife's chin so that he could look her in the eye, blue eyes meeting green. "I feel so helpless, I -"

He took another ragged breath. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he vaguely recalled the sensation of physical pain, for his semi-injured left hand was aching. "She was the best, Marlie was the best."

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2008-07-29 01:51 am UTC (link)
Her arms went to hold onto him, pulling herself as close as she could get, closing her eyes as she was once again amazed at how safe and secure she felt when he was holding her. It happened every time, but it was appreciated so much more now. Even though he was shaking, and even though his weight shifted so that she was partially supporting him, she didn’t care. If he needed to use her as support, than she would be there. If he needed to hold her close just to hold onto her, she would let him. She would do anything for him. “It’s okay, I…I wasn’t alone for long, you needed to go…”

More tears fell freely down her cheeks, but she wasn’t crying as hard as she had been just a few minutes ago. She wanted to be, because seeing her husband look like he did made her heart break into a thousand tiny shards, but this wasn’t the time to melt down. No, as much as she wanted to be comforted, Edgar needed it. He needed her to be the strong one this time, and…well, she was going to do her best. She’d try to be strong for him. “I know, baby…I know…” She nodded her head, agreeing with what he was saying, her eyes locked with his own. There was so much more that she wanted to say, to be able to tell him that everything was okay, that they would get through this, but the words just weren’t coming out. They would be messed up, and they wouldn’t sound convincing like she wanted them to sound, because she’d just lose control and would just sound like a weepy wife who just told her husband these things because she had to. That wasn’t what she wanted at all.

Her hand dropped from around his back to reach for his hand, but when he winced do to her contact, those green eyes focused down on what she had been trying to hold. It was then that she noticed the injury. Using both of her hands, she very carefully lifted up his injured hand to take a look at it. “…Edgar…” Part of her thought that he had perhaps gotten into a fight, and the question was on the tip of her tongue, her mouth partially opened as though she were about to ask. But, she closed her lips and swallowed again. “I’ll fix it…” she said with a nod, her voice still quiet. She continued to carefully hold his hand as the other of her own brushed some of his hair back, leaning up to give him a long kiss on the cheek. “Let’s clean you up.” Taking his good hand now, she laced her fingers with his own and pulled him into the bathroom, having him take a seat on the edge of the tub. She was constantly wiping away the many tears that kept falling as she opened up a cabinet and pulled out some potion and a few bandages. Afterwards, she sat down beside him, sniffling as she held out her hand, hoping he’d give her his bad one. She needed to do something. She needed to fix something, make him feel better in some way.

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2008-08-01 07:34 am UTC (link)
Ed let Gilly hold him, support him, and guide him. He needed that so much, because the majority of him wanted to just curl up in a ball. He saw that Gilly wanted to ask about his injured hand, and he bit his lip, and in a low voice, answered her unspoken question. "I... hit the wall. The corridor leading the front door." He gave her a sad, humourless smile.

He reached out with his good hand and brushed the remaining tears away and retracted it, giving her his left hand, laying it gently on her outstretched one. He winced again. Earlier, he had refused initial medical treatment because... Because he had wanted to. Healing reminded him of Matt, which reminded him that Matt was gone too.

Swallowing hard, he let Gilly tap his injury with her wand and dab at it with potion. Though it stung like crazy, he stayed quite still, and when the bandages were put in place, he took Gilly by the hand and led her to the bedroom, and together they sat, with Ed pressing his face against her shoulder, his left arm around her shoulder, his other hand laced tightly with her's. "Thanks," he muttered, letting out a sigh. "Oh, Gilly..."

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