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Books | The Guardian ([info]theguardianbook) wrote,
@ 2020-02-01 17:59:00

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Naomi Ishiguro: ‘Short stories are like songs – I think of an anthology like an album’
The writer talks about her debut short story collection, Escape Routes, why she loves Doctor Who – and the day her dad won the Nobel prize

Naomi Ishiguro worked as a bookseller in Bath before studying creative writing at the University of East Anglia. Her first collection of short stories, Escape Routes, draws on the world of fairytales to bring the reader a woman who forges an intimate alliance with a stuffed bear, a young boy in search of a wizard and a rat catcher caught in a royal crisis.

What attracted you to writing short stories?
I’ve always liked short stories, because I’ve always liked fairytales and folk tales, and Angela Carter has been a huge thing for me. I’m always influenced by kids’ stuff as well – it’s a refusal to grow up properly! Also I love music, and short stories are like songs – so I think of an anthology like an album.

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